  • 學位論文


Exploring Factors Affecting The Information Security Management Mechanism of Bring-Your-Own Devices in the Environment of Cloud-Computing

指導教授 : 洪育忠


在2012年思科(Cisco)公布的最新調查顯示,員工的自攜式設備(Bring Your Own Device, BYOD)已蔚為風潮。自攜式設備為組織所帶來的主要的兩大優勢為改善員工的生產力與更高的工作滿意度。儘管自攜式設備的效益顯著,然而實施自攜式設備需顧慮的層面廣泛。在2005年美國波音公司就因為行動裝置遭竊事件,導致近161,000筆員工資料外洩。在國內,亦發生高階主管在離職後洩漏組織中的機密資料個案,逮捕前可能已售出14萬筆個資。 本研究的主要目的是找出影響企業導入與實施BYOD的因素,而資料蒐集主要是以問卷發放進行資料蒐集。研究結果可以提供企業在進行BYOD相關策略時制定有效之決策。研究結果如下: 1.「資訊安全」、「預期的付出」以及「系統品質」對於BYOD的科技接受具有顯著的正相關。 2.「預期的績效」以及「社群的影響」對於BYOD的科技接受並無顯著的影響。 3. 而舊有「資安教育訓練」對於提升BYOD應用環境中的資訊安全能相當有限。


In 2012, the investigation of Cisco indicated that "bring your own device" (BYOD) had become a booming fans in the enterprise. Enhancing productivity and satisfaction are two main benefits of BYOD. Except for the benefits of using BYOD, the risk of information security still exists. In 2005, because the mobile devices of a staff had been stolen, the Boeing Company had leaked nearly 161,000 records of employers’ data. In Taiwan, a similar case also happens. In this case, a senior manager of a firm stole customers’ data by using BYOD and leaked the data after his resignation from this firm. Before he was arrested, at least 140,000 records of data were leaked. The purpose of the study is to investigate factors affecting the application and implementation of BYOD. Questionnaires were issued to collect data. The following findings can serve as references for the enterprises in their attempts to promote BYOD and establish effective strategies: 1. The information security, effort expectancy, and the quality of systems are positively and significantly related to the acceptance of using BYOD. 2. The performance expectancy and social influence are insignificant in the acceptance of using BYOD. 3. The education and training of information security are insignificant in enhancing the information security of using BYOD.


BYOD Information security Cloud computing UTAUT


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