  • 學位論文


Gan Jiao 2020: New discussion about landscape planning of mountain agriculture in northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 王俊雄


北台灣海拔100公尺到800公尺的山區農村多分佈於溪流中、上游沿岸,地形陡峻、耕地狹小,農作產量受限。但也因其天然環境不利於都市計畫與土地業者大量開發,而保留下原始山林與溪河上游水源區,山坡地形亦提供生物多樣性的良好棲地。雖然山區農村有自然環境之寶貴資產,但是農業收入無法支應現代人的生活消費,勞動人口大量外移,留守的老年人無力照顧田地,以致農村荒廢且蕭條。 反觀密度已達飽和的城市,都會區不斷往城市邊陲之水岸、山區擴張,自然景觀成為業者炒作的商品。台灣土地政策需要更明確的分配及利用,面對自然生態也應有明文限制與策略性之開發方式。本論文針對北台灣山區農村提出:人與環境和諧共存,產業與生態永續經營的新生活方式。 本論文分為兩大部分, 第一個部分是以新北市雙溪鄉長源村—柑腳做為北台灣海拔100公尺到800公尺的山區農村觀察的基地,以坡地水文為出發,經由在當地實際生活體驗查訪,深入了解柑腳自然環境、歷史與人文脈絡。 第二部分則為山區農村農業地景之設計操作,一共有三個階段: 綠基盤-—以保育為導向,建立符合生態、經濟與生活三者皆可永續經營之基礎。 養生村—在基礎之上建立在密度控制下,以農田與聚落構成的循環經濟系統。 樂生活—經由被設計的公共空間帶領村民互動,並培養相同的價值觀,進而產生認同。


Mountain agriculture in northern Taiwan which is 100-800 meters above the sea level mostly located along the middle and the upper reaches of streams. Agricultural production is limited by the rugged and narrow terrain. Because of its natural environment is not conducive to the large number of urban planning and land development. Mountain agriculture retains the original forest and the river water supply, also has high biodiversity along the mountain slope. Although mountain agriculture has the natural environment as the valuable asset, agricultural income cannot keep modern living. Large number of labor force move to the city. Only elderly stay in the rural areas unable to care for land. In contrast, population density of Taipei city already achieved the saturated condition. The metropolitan area has been expanded to border cities, such as waterfront, hillside, etc. Natural landscape such as the prop that property developers use to make money. The policy of land distribution and used need to be more explicit. Government should have a clear legal restriction on the environmental development plan. This paper proposed for the mountainous rural areas in northern Taiwan: the harmonious coexistence between human and environment, industrial systems and ecological systems can be sustainable. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part is setting Gan Jiao as a base for investigation into the mountainous rural areas in northern Taiwan. Gan Jiao is 100-800 meters above the sea level. I lived there for two months as a starting point to explore the natural environment and to get the real local life experience. Then, in-depth research the natural environment, historical and cultural context of Gan Jiao. The second part is landscape design and planning of mountain agriculture. There are three phases in total: Ecological Infrastructure — A research on environmental protection-oriented, to establish an Ecological Infrastructure can make ecosystems, economic systems and human life to be sustainable. Circular Economy — In the basis of Ecological Infrastructure. Design the farmland and settlement planning to constitute the circular economy, and it based on control of space and population. Sustainable Culture — Use of public space is designed to lead the village activities, that people develop the same values, and find the cultural identity and belonging.


Elgin, Duane 杜安.艾爾金,(2008),
