  • 學位論文


Study on Meaning Transformation of New Word. -Take Modern Chinese Neologism(1998-2006) As An Example.

指導教授 : 倪台瑛


20世紀的八、九0年代深受到網路資訊的衝擊與政府解嚴的影響,民智開放、資訊充沛,導致語言增生的現象不可同日而語。民國85(1996)年起,教育部基於語文整理工作的職掌,開始對於國內新詞資料進行整理,而於1998年問世,並且從此逐年進行年度國內語言使用環境的全面調查。目前,調查報告工作已進行到2006年。因此,從1998年到2006年,台灣教育部對於漢語語言詞彙的整理具有劃時代的意義,此外,其為了更快速地反映當前語言的新脈動訊息,針對每日的報紙,勾選詞義發生轉換的語料,加以整理彙編。但是,彙編為了保留資料原始面貌,將某些尚未穩定的語料也收錄進來且註明報紙出處例句,但未附釋義而無法確認典源,而徒增研究的困擾。職是之故,筆者特就此進行分析與歸納,期在語言變遷的軌跡中,探索其所依循的理論,俾供關心此議題者參考。 在研究方法上乃從歷時的角度切入研究,針對語義轉變前後著手分析。依據教育部國語會八十七和九十五年常用語詞調查報告中的詞頻統計表進行比對篩選,歸納出增生新義的詞彙,共300筆。將語料的基本義及延伸新義以EXCEL建檔為語料庫,進而著手語料的分類並以統計圖表呈現各類型的分佈情形。語料的質化探究是以比較分析的方法。先以歷時的角度觀察詞彙義項轉變前後的差異,接著從轉變前後義素結構的差異比較,歸納出轉變的脈絡。再以統計分析的方式呈現詞彙類型的分佈情形,且探究其所反映的語言現象。 透過詞義的轉變過程,從轉化義和基本義關係中分析出:借代增生、情態賦予、詞性轉換、諧音雙關與飛白增義等5種現象進行探究。研究歸納出幾項轉變脈絡: (一)已經存在的關聯性,優先擇取套用。 (二)具體、抽象意涵的轉變頻率較高。 (三)透過掌握詞彙轉變的蛛絲馬跡,更能掌握影響詞彙轉變的背後因素:社會、人、語言本身的結構。


詞義轉變 新詞 台灣新詞


The Republic of China 85(1996) year, the Ministry of Education based on the language crabbing's duties, starts regarding the domestic new word material to carry on the reorganization, but was published in 1998, and henceforth year by year carried on the year domestic language use environment the overall statistical survey. At present, the report of investigation work has carried on to 2006. From 1998 to 2006, Taiwan Ministry of Education had the epoch-making significance regarding Chinese language glossary's reorganization, in addition, its to reflect fast the current language the new pulsation news, in view of the daily newspaper, cancelled choose the word meaning to have the transformation language materials, reorganized the assembly. The author carries on the analysis and the induction especially in light of this, the time in the language vicissitude path, explores theory which its relies on, enables for cares about this subject reference. It cuts into the research in the research technique from the lasted angle, transforms around in view of the semantics begins to analyze. Meets 87 and in 95 year commonly used word report of investigation term frequency statistical table based on the Ministry of Education national language carries on compared to screens, induces the proliferation new righteousness the glossary, altogether 300. And extends the new righteousness the language materials base original meaning to construct the files take EXCEL as a corpus, then begins the language materials classification and the statistical graph presents various types the distributed situation. The language materials electron particle materialization inquisition is by the comparative analysis method. By the lasted angle observation glossary righteousness transformation's around difference, then from the transformation righteousness element structure's difference comparison, induces the transformation the first vein. Statistical analysis's way presents the glossary type again the distributed situation, and inquired into its reflected language phenomenon. The research induces several transformation veins: 1.Already existed the relatedness, first selects applies mechanically. 2.Concrete, the abstract meaning's transformation frequency is high. 3.By grasps the clues or traces which the glossary transforms, can grasp the behind factor which the influence glossary transforms: Social, person, language's structure.


