  • 學位論文


The Treatments of Controversial Books in the Public Library: A Survey of the Public Libraries in Taipei Area

指導教授 : 陳和琴


本研究旨在探討公共圖書館爭議性書刊問題。透過文獻探討了解國內外對於爭議性書刊與圖書檢查之探討重點,並歸納出六個研究問題。包括:﹙1﹚公共圖書館是否訂定選書政策以及是否訂有爭議性書刊條文;﹙2﹚最具爭議書刊的主題及類型;﹙3﹚最常對館內書刊提出質疑的對象;﹙4﹚圖書館對爭議書刊的處理方式;﹙5﹚選書人員在判斷書刊是否具爭議時的角度;﹙6﹚選書人員是否贊成公共圖書館實施圖書檢查及圖書分級制度等。研究進行係採問卷調查方法,針對台北縣市75所公私立公共圖書館選書人員進行調查。共計回收62分有效問卷,以統計電腦軟體分析資料,並進行次數及百分比描述、複選題統計分析及交叉分析之統計方法加以解釋資料。 研究結果發現:﹙1﹚台北地區公共圖書館訂有爭議性書刊處理條文的並不多;對於爭議性資料處理的相關條文,無論在主題或類型上,並沒有明確且一致的規範,甚至並沒有訂出該條文,而大部份的選書館員也不清楚是否有此條文。﹙2﹚台北地區公共圖書館因書刊而引發爭議的事件中,在主題上,以性愛及暴力為主;類型方面,則以小說及漫畫居多。﹙3﹚最常對書刊提書質疑的對象:在館內部分,主要為館員,其次多為上級主管、長官;館外(讀者)方面,家長是最常提出意見的對象,其次則是教師。﹙4﹚對於爭議性書刊的處理,近六成左右的圖書館都是採撤架方式處理;其次則是限制流通以及貼上書標說明適合閱讀的對象。﹙5﹚選書人員在審查書刊是否具爭議的角度上,結果得知,主要從封面(或內文)圖案來判斷者居多;從書名及文中的用語措辭居次。﹙6﹚選書人員對於圖書檢查的看法上:多數的選書館員都認為圖書檢查至今仍存在著,也贊成圖書館應對爭議性的書刊進行檢查。在實施圖書分級制度的意見方面,大多數的選書人員都贊成公共圖書館實施圖書分級,並建議可將小說及漫畫予以分級並依讀者的年齡採有限度的借閱。 本論文就研究結果提出如下建議:﹙1﹚建議公共圖書館將爭議性書刊處理條文納入選書政策中。﹙2﹚配合政府採行「圖書分級制度」,並根據年齡採有限度的圖書借閱。﹙3﹚成立「圖書評選小組」審核及檢查資料。﹙4﹚圖書館應針對爭議情形,提出相關處理辦法。﹙5﹚圖書館應與其館員、社區民眾及團體、家長、老師及學生等維持密切關係。﹙6﹚重視選書人員的專業背景並加強專業訓練。﹙7﹚選書人員應藉由廣泛的角度來了解圖書內容。﹙8﹚建議在中國圖書館學會下,成立圖書檢查與知識自由的專責與輔導(助)單位。﹙9﹚確立國內公共圖書館的社會角色。


The main purpose of this study is to discuss the treatments of controversial books in the public libraries in Taipei area. Research were focused on six main themes:(1)Did the public libraries in Taipei area have written selection policies concerning controversial books?(2)What subjects and specific materials are being challenged?(3)Who were the objectors?(4)How did public librarians handle the incidents?(5)The points of judging controversial books and (6)the opinion of the selectors about censorship and the Rating System of Printed Materials. Questionnaires were sent to 75 public libraries in Taipei area, 62 valid questionnaires were returned for a return rate of 82.7 percent. Findings of the survey: (1)A large majority of the selectors responding there is no formal principles of controversial books in selection policies and had not explicit explanations about the subject and material.(2)The most common grounds for objections were sexual and violence and the most offending materials were fiction and comic books;(3)Inside the library, the most frequent sources of complaints were from the colleagues and the most frequent sources of complaints from patrons outside were parents;(4)Nearly sixty percent of materials challenged in public libraries removed from the shelves, access to items was restricted and being labeled were following the resolution;(5)In the question that the angle of judging controversial books, the majority of selectors judged from the picture of front cover or contents, the next judgment is from the phrases or terms;(6)Most of the selectors believed that censorship still existed and agreed to censor. Over 67 percent of public librarians agreed to practice the Rating System of Printed Materials. From the research results, the author would like to make the following suggestions:(1)Each district should have adopted policy for challenged materials ;(2)Implication the Rating System of Printed Materials and access restricted by reader’s age;(3)Developed a censorship board to censor the book and to decide the collection;(4)Public libraries should make the procedure to handle the controversial books;(5)Public libraries should strive to maintain a good rapport with their faculty, parents, students, teacher and the community;(6)Selectors should enhance their knowledge and training in selecting books.(7)Selectors should broad their point of view when selecting books; (8) Recommend founding the committee to be responsible for developing, recommending, and maintaining a total intellectual freedom program; (9) Strengthen the social role of the public library.


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