  • 學位論文


A study on Rating Measures for Printed Materials of Public Libraries in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱炯友


「圖書分級」原是出版社用以自律的規範,其目的在於保護兒童與未成年,使其能免於過早接觸不適齡的資料,同時也顧及成年讀者的閱讀權。然而,色情的氾濫與閱讀的多元化,致使各界期許向來捍衛知識自由的公共圖書館也能採行「圖書分級」以發揮其社會功能。本研究旨在了解國內公共圖書館如何將圖書分級落實於圖書館實務工作中。 本研究之研究問題包括:(1)公共圖書館館員對圖書分級的認知與態度;(2)圖書分級之實施與執行細節(3)分級範圍擴大至報紙與雜誌之因應與態度(4)與中國圖書館學會或評議團體合作之意願。本研究之研究方法採用問卷調查與個案訪談:問卷調查方面,以國立中央圖書館臺灣分館、國立臺中圖書館、及臺北市立圖書館館員為對象,共計發出94份問卷,回收63份問卷,回收率67%。個案訪談部分,則以3所圖書館各組主任或組代表為對象,進行圖書分級執行面的訪談,以補問卷結果不足之處。 本研究結果顯示:(1)所有的受試者皆有圖書分級之實務經驗,且多數贊成公共圖書館實施圖書分級(2)館藏發展政策皆包括選書原則,臺北市立圖書館進一步訂定限制級圖書選擇與處理原則;館藏圖書大致皆分「普遍級」與「限制級」兩級;臺北市立圖書館漫畫增加「輔導級」;評議單位皆由圖書館內部人員組成;評議結果僅臺北市立圖書館予以公文公告;對於出版社之分級皆予以遵循,需館員判斷時會先參考新書資訊、內文圖片與文字居多;限制級圖書之主題以性愛與暴力居多,其書目有特定欄位註記,會有特殊的圖書加工,且皆採閉架管理與限制性流通;讀者主要以18歲區分成年與未成年;讀者意見來自家長最多,讀者多樂意配合圖書分級的實施。(3)皆願意配合政府政策實行報紙與雜誌分級,臺北市立圖書館已有單本雜誌列入限制級(4)多數贊成與中國圖書館學會或評議團體合作之,卻對合作方式與職責劃分有所疑慮。


The main purpose of this study is to survey the practices of rating measures for printed materials in public libraries in Taiwan. The study contains four parts. First, the opinion of the librarians about knowledge freedom and rating measures for printed materials. Second, how to put in practice. Third, the opinion of the librarians about rating measures for newspaper and magazine. Fourth, the opinion of the librarians about to cooperate with library society or an outside censorship organization. The research method of this study includes questionnaire survey and case study. Objectives of the questionnaire are librarians who work in National Taiwan Library, National Taichung Library and Taipei Public Library, and objectives of the case study come from the management level. Questionnaire were sent to 94 librarians who work in National Taiwan Library, National Taichung Library and Taipei Public Library, 62 valid questionnaires were returned for a return rate of 67%. The conclusions of study are as follows:(1)All of the public librarians have experience of the practices of rating measures for printed materials in public libraries, and most of them agree it(2)all of the public libraries include selection policies among their collection development policies, Taipei Public Library have formulate a formal principle of restricted materials;printed material are rated into two main categories:general and restricted, comic in Taipei Public Library rated into parental or adult guidance;censors are composed of staff and manager who work inside;only Taipei Public Library make announcement about result of censor by an official document;all of them follow the rating measure of printed material by publisher;angle of judging controversial books, the main factors come from the introduction of the book from publisher, pictures of content, and description of content;the categories of restricted books were sexual and violence, and all of them have special treatment for MARC, location, and circulation;the patrons were rated into adult and minor by 18-years-old, the patrons under 18 ages are prohibited from browsing or borrowing restricted books;according to Child and Juveniles Welfare Law, most of the parents do more care about rating measure and agree libraries to practice it.(3)most of the public librarians have a will to put rating measures for newspaper and magazine in practice, and Taipei Public Library have a case of magazine(4)most of the public librarians have a will to cooperate with library society or an outside censorship organization, but worry about the way and responsibility range of cooperation.


Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association, Intellectual Freedom manual.(Chicago : American Library Association,1996), ix.
Charles Oppenheim and Victoria Smith, “Censorship in libraries”, Information Service & Use 24 (2004):160.


