  • 學位論文


Community developing through preserving and reviving industrial heritage in Japan A case study of silk fabrics’ industrial heritage of Kiryu City, Gunma Pref.

指導教授 : 馬耀輝


本研究旨在藉由考察日本產業遺產保存與再利用之實態,並以歷史上絹織物產業極為盛行的群馬縣桐生市作為研究事例,並檢討桐生市事例的過程進而確認產業遺產於地區活性化上發揮著何種效果,並將其所衍生出之課題點加以整理,最後再藉由產業遺產的活用所展開的社區總體營造的情況,以及其相關之可能性進行綜合性的探討。 產業遺產的保存意識,源自於保護具有歷史性環境景觀的居民運動或市民運動中進而觸發而生。產業考古學會進行地方性的保存活動或是出版相關出版品,甚至是對行政機關提供建議,行政機關在近20年也在這樣的風潮下逐漸的受到重視。從一開始的將其視為文化財所保護之對象,慢慢地從保護的角度逐漸將其活用於社區總體營造的嶄新階段。 在產業遺產活用於社區總體營造方面,群馬縣桐生市於日本國內可說是相對起步較早。經過各式各樣的調查後,散布於桐生市內各地並被視為織物產業遺產的鋸齒狀屋頂工廠,其數量及密集度冠居日本全國,因此將其視為社區總體營造的素材,但於保存時,其經費上有相當嚴峻的議題。雖然財政上的支援是不可欠缺的,但現實上想藉由行政機關進行經濟上的支援恐有困難。此外,鋸齒狀屋頂工廠的擁有者本身對於建築物的保存意識也不高,如何提高擁有者對於建築物之價值的認知也成為保存活用上之課題。 於桐生市所進行的產業遺產社區總體營造可分為行政部門及民間部門兩個單位來探討。而其活動之目的皆是對於產業遺產之擁有者及地方居民對於鋸齒狀屋頂工廠之價值認識能夠帶來啟蒙的效果。而與活動相關的數據化之統計及評價,因本研究所收集到之資料有所限制,故難以提供具體的數據化資料,但若從觀光產業的焦點上加以觀察,可看出其對地方經濟上是有影響力的。此外,經由社區總體營造的過程中所產生的啟發效果,被閒置的工廠再次加以活用的事例也逐漸增加,因此對於目前桐生市所進行的藉由活用產業遺產所實施的社區總體營造,可說是有著一定的成效。


The purpose of this research is through exploring industry heritage saving and re-using to review and make sure how the effects of nimbly using industry heritage in the community. In the meantime, take Gunma pref. Kiryu City as the sample. Due to the industry heritage saving consciousness is rising, administrative organizations’ changes its attitude from protection to nimbly using. In terms of nimbly using industry heritage in the community developing, Kiryu City is one of the earlier execution cities in Japan. After various investigations, the amount of Kiryu City’s textiles industry heritage - saw-toothed buildings is the top of Japan. Consequently, it is treated the sample of community developing. However, it has a critical economic issue; besides, the owners of saw-toothed buildings do not have enough saving consciousness. Hence, how to improve the owners’ knowledge of saw-toothed buildings value becomes one of this issues. The industrial heritage community developing can be divided into administrative organization and folk organization. Their purpose is to make the saw-toothed buildings owners and local citizens have the knowledge of the value of saw-toothed buildings. However, due to there are some limitations of this research, it is hard to provide concrete statistics data. Nevertheless, if observe from tourism industry, it does influence the local economic. Additionally, the process of community developing also stimulate the unused factories be re-used. Accordingly, in Kiryu City, the community developing by nimbly use industry heritage has definite outcomes.


一、 日本語の文献(カナ順)
