  • 學位論文

閒置空間再利用之「再閒置」研究 ─ 以台中二十號倉庫為例

“Re-discarded space”:A study on the adaptive reuse of the discarded spaces ─A Case Study of the Taichung Railway Stock 20

指導教授 : 陳其澎


閒置空間再利用由公部門正式主導乃起源於九二一地震後,政府單位輔導各地利用閒置空間設置小型藝術村或藝術家工作室,除能節省文化發展經費亦能讓各地的閒置空間重新利用。然而,不少閒置空間再利用案例並未引起民眾共鳴,導致閒置空間再利用產生「再閒置」的問題。因此,在閒置空間再利用政策推行多年後,實應作全面的檢討。 目前台灣推行的文化建設強調地方性特色,眾多具地方歷史意義的閒置空間重獲再生的機會,卻因挹注大量經費於硬體設備後缺少完善的經營管理,導致「再閒置」的問題產生,閒置空間再利用政策的重點並非單就於建築體的修繕,更應著重於其再利用對地方的影響,但國內針對閒置空間再利用的論述,多著重於再利用方式與特性,及文化政策演進的討論,國內多數閒置空間所面臨的「再閒置」因素則較少論及,有鑑於此,本研究將以台灣閒置空間「再閒置」原因為探討主題。 本研究分析國內閒置空間再利用的制度、委外的經營政策與執行,以台中二十號倉庫為例,歸納出再利用所隱藏的問題及理論與實踐上的衝突,其「再閒置」的因素為:使用主體與發展定位不明、商業發展的限制、缺乏民眾認同等面向,並與案例分析的泰晤士河南岸相互驗證、對照,以尋求解決的策略。


閒置空間 再利用 再閒置


The Reuse of discarded space being lead by the public sector began after the 921 earthquake. Government organizations gave guidance to the public in using discarded spaces to setup small art villages or artist workshops, hoping to reduce the costs of cultural development and reuse these discarded spaces. But quite a number of discarded space re-usage cases did not gain the favor of the public, leading to the problem of these spaces being “re-discarded”. Therefore, a comprehensive review should be done, since this discarded space re-usage policy has already been introduced for several years. Currently, most of the cultural construction programs in Taiwan have their emphasis on local characteristics. Most of the discarded spaces with local historical value have gained a chance for rebirth. But after a large budget has been invested in the hardware facilities, there is a lack of management, which leads to the problem of these spaces being “re-discarded”. The emphasis of reusing discarded spaces should not be placed on the repairing of the actual architecture, it should be focused on reusing the effects which it once had on the local area instead. Yet most of the discussions on reusing discarded space are focused on the methods and characteristics of reuse, and on the cultural policy progressions; few talk about the factors of these spaces being “re-discarded”. In the light of the above, this research is focused on the reuse of discarded space being “re-discarded” in Taiwan. This research analyzes the policy of discarded space re-usage, commissioned management policies and execution. Using the Taichung Railway Stock 20 as a case study, contrast and organize the hidden problems and the theoretical and practical conflicts of re-usage, it draws up the reasons of “re-discarding”: the indefinite main body in use and the development program, the restrictions on commercial development, and the lack of public identification, together with the case study of the South Bank, this research will verify, in order to seek a solution to the problem.


discarded space reuse re-discard


2005,〈閒置建築空間改造的省思〉,《建築 Dialogue》,臺北市:中華民國建築師公會全國聯合會雜誌社,119-122。
2005,〈從軀殼利用到新就共融的再利用〉,《建築 Dialogue》,臺北市:中華民國建築師公會全國聯合會雜誌社,70-75。
2003,〈社會經濟與第三部門產業化〉,《研考雙月刊》,27:6 ,31-39。
Christian Norberg-Schulz


