  • 學位論文


A Research on the Redevelopment Strategies for the Campus Deserted Space :the Case of Taipei Municipal Dalong Elementary School

指導教授 : 宋立垚


因現今少子化趨勢的影響,導致近年來眾多學校皆無法招生額滿,尤其是屬於基層的國民小學校園閒置空間情況更為嚴重。基此,若能促使校園閒置空間再利用,充分發揮賦予其空間功效與價值;教育部自2003年的「國民中小學閒置校舍活化再利用示範計畫」至2011年「國民中小學整合空間資源與發展特色學校第二階段第二年實施計畫」等,政府每年皆研擬相關政策以因應,顯現校園閒置空間能再利用之教育意涵及活化價值應加以重視。 校園閒置空間再利用可歸納為地方文化場所與公共空間、生態體驗學習環境、藝文活動空間、歷史文化價值保存等。本研究構思針對校園閒置空間對於文化資產發展之關係,並選擇台北市大龍國小為實證對象與周邊資源保安宮與孔廟,瞭解三者所建構歷史文化氛圍與校園閒置空間再利用之互動。 藉由對於實證對象進行環境與資源之調查,並與政府部門、學者專家、地方社區進行深度訪談,探討學校與地方社區關係及認同,釐清校園本身史實價值及周遭文化資產並協同社區參與所建構校園閒置空間再利用發展,並期望藉此研擬校園閒置空間再利用策略及因應建議,以發揮校園閒置空間之最大價值與效益。


Due to the influence of low birth rate, many schools recently have faced the amount of enrolling students are not enough, especially in elementary schools. Based on this situation, reusing campus deserted space would help strengthen the function and worth of this space. Hence, since 2003 through 2011, the Ministry of Education has proposed several reactions concerning the issue of campus deserted space; every year, the authorities provide relevant Acts to deal with this crisis which shows that the meaning and worth of reusing campus deserted space should be more emphasized. Now reusing campus deserted space can be divided into local cultural and public places, ecological experiencing environment, artistic activity places, preservation of historical culture, etc. This study is focusing on the relationship between campus deserted space and cultural preservation and using the relationship between Taipei Municipal Dalong Elementary School, Baoan and Confucious Tamples as a case study to understand the interaction between historical cultures and reusing campus deserted space. Consequently, in order to provide some suggestions for reusing campus deserted space which could be benefited the most, this study adopts the empirical investigation toward environment and resources and deep interviews with the authorities, scholars and local residents to understand the identity and relationship between the school and community, clarify its historical value and culture resource in the neighborhood as well as associate with the locals to construct the redevelopment of campus deserted source.




