  • 學位論文


The narrative art of the cinematographic adaptation in Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

指導教授 : 宋麗玲


哥倫比亞作家賈西亞•馬奎斯一生獲獎無數,他是魔幻寫實流派大師,以《百年孤寂》聞名全世。他在一九八一年出版了根據真實事件改編的中篇小說《預知死亡紀事》,此部小說情節錯綜複雜,獲得廣大讀者好評。而擅長拍攝寫實主義電影的義大利導演弗朗西斯哥•羅西,在他執導的文學電影《預知死亡紀事》播映後,曾被評論家批評不如原著小說內容精彩,結構嚴謹,評價兩極。本論文分析此部電影的敘事元素與藝術,嘗試以傑哈•熱奈特與查特曼之敘事理論來分析小說與電影之內容與結構的差異。 本論文的研究方法為文本分析法,以馬奎斯小說《預知死亡紀事》與同名文學電影為主要文本,並以敘事學角度去分析及探討此部作品中所呈現出的藝術價值。 本論文分為四個章節,第一章從小說與電影之敘事理論發展緣由與過程談起;第二章主要介紹馬奎斯的創作背景、特色風格與主要作品;第三章說明小說《預知死亡紀事》之價值與意義,以敘事學的角度分析其情節、人物、主題與時間;最後一章介紹導演羅西的生平,再以敘事理論來分析文學電影《預知死亡紀事》之電影形式構造與敘事元素,其中包含人物、時空、聚焦與情節,繼而說明導演為何在影片中安排與小說不同的情節與角色。 透過文本分析與敘事理論應用,將兩者的藝術價值各自張顯並相互比較,期望藉由書寫文學電影之改編過程來印證此部文學電影的藝術價值。


Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian writer who won uncountable awards in his life. He is a master of magical realism, his masterpiece “One Hundred Years of Solitude” had been known all over the world. In 1981, he published a novel “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” which is based on a true story. The plot of the novel is very complicate, therefore got the high praise from wide readership. The Italian director Francesco Rosi, who is good at produce realism film, directed the cinematography adaptation of “Chronicle of a Death Foretold”. After the broadcast, several sources have criticized the movie saying that is not as good as the original novel, which has an excellent content and rigorous structure. The thesis mainly focus on the narrative elements and art of this film and tries to apply the narrative theory of Gerard Genette and Seymour Chatman to analyze the differences between the novel and the film's content and structure. The methodology of this thesis is based on the textual analysis. We will analyze and explore the artistic value through narrative perspectives in the case of the novel “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” and the homonym movie. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of the novel and the film narrative theory. The second chapter deals with the introduction of Marquez’s life, main works and his writing style. The third chapter is about the meaning and the artistic value in “Chronicle of a Death Foretold”, including plot genre, characters, theme and time. The last chapter introduce the director Rosi’s life, then analyze the form of structure and narrative element in the novel and the movie by narrative theory, which contained characters, time and space, focalization and plot genre, to explain why the director arranged the different elements in the film. It is used the methodology of textual analysis and the application of narrative theory to compare the structure of the novel and the movie and analyze the process of the adaptation which enables to demonstrate the artistic value of this cinematography adaptation.


林東泰,〈電視新聞敘事結構初探〉(An Inquiry into the Narrative Structure of Television News),《新聞學研究》,第一百О八期,2011年7月。
