  • 學位論文


The Study of European Union and Russia Strategic Partnership in the Post Cold War Era

指導教授 : 郭秋慶 鄒忠科


論文名稱:後冷戰時期歐洲聯盟與俄羅斯戰略夥伴關係之研究 頁數:129 校系(所)組別:淡江大學歐洲研究所 畢業時間及提要別: 98 學年度第 2學期 碩士學位論文提要 學位論文提要 研究生:蘇介雯 指導教授:郭秋慶博士 鄒忠科博士 論文內容提要: 1991年蘇聯解體後,俄羅斯成為一獨立國家並繼承前蘇聯在聯合國安理會常任理事國席位,開始朝建立民主政治及市場經濟等西化道路前進。因為已除去冷戰時期意識型態對峙的藩籬,當時的歐洲共同體通過「塔西斯計畫」針對獨立國協國家提供技術與財政援助,以協助前蘇聯加盟共和國進行社會改革轉型。 為協助鞏固俄羅斯朝民主社會及市場經濟轉型成功,歐盟與俄羅斯在1994年簽署了「夥伴關係與合作協議」,於1997年12月1日生效,該協議重點在促進雙方政治、經濟與文化科研的交流合作,尤其是增進經貿市場整合,增加投資並建立政治對話機制,包括雙方一年舉行兩次高峰會議。後來因為南斯拉夫內戰、911恐怖攻擊等事件,促使歐盟與俄羅斯加強在安全領域的合作,雙方並有共識朝「戰略夥伴關係」發展。 隨著歐盟東擴,俄羅斯成為歐盟最大的鄰國,在能源供需方面雙方更是互賴互利的重要夥伴,2003年5月歐俄聖彼得堡高峰會議確認雙方合作成立四項共同空間(common spaces),2005年5月莫斯科高峰會議通過「路線圖計畫」(road maps)作為四項共同空間的指導文件,此時可謂雙方合作關係的高峰期。2007年雙方簽署之「夥伴與合作協議」已經屆滿十年,需要簽訂新的協議以約定雙方未來的合作關係,但受到各種內外部因素影響,一度延遲展開新協議談判的時程,而雙方是否能化解歧見,朝建立戰略夥伴關係的道路繼續前進,仍有待觀察。 本文採新現實主義國際關係理論作為研究途徑,分析雙方合作過程與衝突因素,對雙方能否建立長遠的戰略夥伴關係提出研究結論與心得。 關鍵字:歐盟;俄羅斯;四項共同空間;戰略夥伴關係。


Title of thesis: The Study of European Union and Russia Strategic Partnership in the Post Cold War Era Total pages: 129 Keywords:European Union, Russia, Strategic Partnership, Common Spaces Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of European Studies, Tamkang University Graduate Date:June, 2010 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Students: Chieh-Wen Su Advisor:Dr. Chiu-Ching Kuo Dr. Chong Ko Tzou Abstract: Soviet Union was dismissed in 1991, since then Russia became an independent State and inherited the former Soviet Union at the United Nations Security Council permanent members, and begins to move towards the establishment of democracy and market economy. Because ideology confrontation barriers were moved away, the European Community providing technical and financial assistance to assist the former Soviet republics in social reform and restructuring through the Tacis program. To help Russian consolidate democratic society and market economy in transition is successful, EU signed a partnership and cooperation agreement(PCA) with Russia in 1994, which entered into force in Dec. 1, 1997. The agreement focuses on the promotion of their political, economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation in scientific research, in particular the promotion of economic and market integration, increased investment and the establishment of political dialogue mechanisms, including the summit meeting twice a year. Due to the Yugoslav civil war and “9.11” terrorist attack, EU and Russia plan to strengthen cooperation in the field of security, and building "strategic partnership". With EU’s enlargement, Russia became the EU's largest neighbours, as well as EU’s most important energy partner. In 2003 EU-Russia Summit in St. Petersburg, the cooperation for establishing four common spaces were confirmed. In 2005 Moscow Summit, adopted the "road maps" as the guidance document for the four common spaces. The PCA has expired in 2007, EU and Russia have to negotiate for a new agreement fo their future relations. Subject to various internal and external factors, the negotiation was delayed. Whether the both parties can resolve their differences and conflicts to compromise toward the establishment of strategic partnership, remains to be seen. This thesis is analyzed with “Neo-realism” theory as a research approach to analyze the process of conflict and cooperation between EU and Russia, and make a forecast on the establishment of a long-term strategic partnership as proposed the conclusion of the study.




