  • 學位論文


To Evaluate the Results of Cooperation of the Countries of East Asia with the Republic of Nicaragua (2002-2012): Case of Comparative Study on Republic of China(Taiwan), Japan and South Korea

指導教授 : 黃任佑


本文旨在探討東亞國家,中華民國(台灣)、日本和尼加拉瓜在2002-2012年間提供無償與有償財政援助的成果比較研究。 第一章主要為研究動機,設定其研究目的和假設,問題探討東亞國家是否提供了比無償援助更多的財政援助。 第二章詳細介紹研究方法,並描述問題的歷史背景,因為官方數據及資訊來源不足情況下,本篇論文將會面對尼加拉瓜與東亞國家比較研究的限制。 在第三章和第四章中,根據尼加拉瓜官方資料,詳細介紹了中華民國(台灣)、日本及韓國在2002-2012年提供的無償與有償援助,並比較這兩種合作方式並說明其概念。 在第五章通過比較合作所產生的分析總結評估合作成果,並說明其研究顧慮,其成果如考量其他合作來源所採取的資料,顯示其官方數據並不完全正確。因此,建議對此議題感興趣的人可將這個問題的研究擴大。


This thesis aims to show data of grant aid and financial assistance provided by the East Asian countries, specifically the Republic of China (Taiwan), Japan and the Republic of Nicaragua in the period 2002-2012. The first chapter studies the reasons for the development of this thesis and specified the objectives and the hypotheses, which express that is very important to know if the East Asian countries provide more financial assistance than grant aid. The second chapter details the methodology and shows the background of this issue, despite the limitations on information, since official sources found have little detailed data and the official information is limited in other instances both Nicaragua as the East Asian countries involved in this thesis. The chapters three and four show data collected by official sources in the Republic of Nicaragua, detailing the grant aid provided by the Republic of China (Taiwan), Japan and the South of Korea in 2002-2012. Plotting this data, then a comparison of the two kinds of cooperation gives an approximate idea of the reality of the given cooperation. The chapter five shows the analytical assessment generated by comparing the identified cooperation and provides considerations on the subject studied, generating a debate on it to take into account information about cooperation taken from other sources suggest that the official data submitted by the corresponding instances are not properly displayed. Therefore, recommendations for future studies on the subject are extended, and for the management of these official data which are very useful for those who show us interested in study and analyze.


CALC, Principios y Valores, Paises Miembros, recuperado en enero de 2014, enlace: http://www.celac.gob.ve/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=9&lang=es
La Carta de la Asistencia Oficial para el Desarrollo de Japon, Cooperacion, Embajada de Japon en Nicaragua, recuperado en enero de 2014, enlace: http://www.ni.emb-japan.go.jp/es/cooperacion/
Above Taiwan, recuperado en enero de 2014, enlace: http://www.taiwan.gov.tw/lp.asp?CtNode=1920&CtUnit=1367&BaseDSD=7&mp=999
Actividades en Nicaragua, Agencia de Cooperacion Internacional de Japon, recuperado en enero de 2014, enlace: http://www.jica.go.jp/nicaragua/espanol/activities/index.html
