  • 學位論文


From Social Group Club to Customer Loyalty -- the Marketing Strategy and Brand Image Study for Harley Davison Motorbike in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林長青


重型機車在市場與消費者「共同演化」下,給人的形象,是轟隆隆的內燃機引擎聲,剽悍炫耀的外型,買重機純粹為了交通需求的成分極少,而是一種價值、理想與愛好,這樣的形象確保了重機在小眾利基市場屹立不搖,不被其他大眾交通產品挑戰。 將品牌、產品和顧客緊緊連接在一起的哈雷,有一句家喻戶曉的廣告詞:「全世界的哈雷,沒有一輛是相同的。」除了基本的引擎和車架主體之外,幾乎所有的哈雷零件都有多樣的款式、顏色,任君挑選和搭配,高度客製化標榜個人特色,讓「騎哈雷」這件事成為價值彰顯和自我實現的表徵,而這也正是哈雷得以風靡老中青世代,歷久不衰的原因之一。 本研究之目的在於運用質性研究訪談法,從深度訪談個案內容中,分析歸納騎乘者對於哈雷品牌之熱愛,讓其不僅僅是摩托車,既不是生活必需品,也不是日常的代步工具,而是一種代表了自由、個性的獨特生活方式。加上哈雷能夠不斷的傳承與創新,百年來始終保持一貫的造車工藝,又不斷進行動力引擎再進化工程,創造出一連串無與倫比的重型機車,讓騎士在巨大的世界中感覺完美。


Through co-evolution by the market and consumer, heavy motorcycle has got the image of rumbling internal combustion engine and tough, cool appearance. People hardly buy heavy motorcycle for transportation needs, rather for a kind of value, ideal and hobby. Such image has solidified its foothold in the niche market from the challenge of the other mass transportation vehicles. Tightly connecting brand, product and customer, Harley has a household slogan: “There is no same Harley in the world”. Except for the basic engine and frame body, almost all Harley parts has various style and colors to be selected and matched. High customization and boasting personal characters make “riding Harley” a manifestation of value and self-realization. This is also one of the reasons why Harley can be popular among the old, middle age and young generations and stand the best of time. The objective of this research is to analyze and summarize, from the in-depth interview of individual cases, the riders’ passion towards Harley using “Qualitative Research Interview Method”. Such passion makes Harley beyond motorcycle, it’s neither a necessity nor a transportation vehicle. Rather, it stands for freedom, character, and unique lifestyle. Coupled with its continuous inheritance and innovation, consistent craftsmanship of motorcycle making for over a hundred years, unceasing evolution of mobility engine, Harley has created a series of unparalleled heavy motorcycle that make the riders feel perfect in the big world.


伍芩慧,2014。網路品牌社群經營之研究─以 Facebook 為例在「社
