  • 學位論文

家長式領導對部屬工作態度影響之研究 —以空軍後勤單位為例

A Comparison Study on the Effects of Transformational Versus Paternalistic Leadership on Subordinates Performance in the Logistics Department of Air Force

指導教授 : 黃國隆


回顧國內過去關於領導行為議題之文獻,對於探討軍隊組織以家長式領導風格對部屬工作態度影響之研究較少。因國軍組織龐大人數眾多,部隊分佈廣泛,任務型態及工作環境不一,所以探討「家長式」領導在空軍組織之適用性,與部屬工作態度關係的關聯性,以檢驗出領導理論模式。 有關「家長式領導」的提出,有別於傳統的領導理論,能提供領導者另一層視野。因此,在此時空背景下,整合東西方的主、客位研究理論,探討「家長式」領導理論對部屬工作態度影響是本研究嘗試努力的方向。 本研究以空軍後勤單位主管以外人員為調查對象,採以問卷調查做為分析資料之蒐整,並依研究者之實務經驗及參考蒐整之文獻與量表依實際需要修改編成。總計收回可用之問卷289 份,經統計分析各構面之差異、相關及影響性分析,找出適合空軍組織的領導模式,期將研究結果提供管理單位參考,根據研究發現,歸納其結果顯示如下: (1)威權領導對整體工作滿足有負面影響,但對組織承諾有正向影響。再者,威權領導愈強,則部屬感受到的工作壓力愈大。 (2)仁慈領導分別對工作滿足及組織承諾皆有正向影響,但對工作壓力之影響不顯著。 (3)德性領導分別對工作滿足、組織承諾皆有正向影響,而且德性領導愈強,則部屬的工作壓力愈大。 (4)部屬人格特質對「威權領導及德性領導分別對工作壓力之影響」的干擾作用皆顯著。


A review of previous dissertations revealed that few studies have been carried out in Taiwan on the effect of paternalistic type leadership on subordinates work attitude in military organizations. As the military organization is very large, it has a host of personnel who are widely distributed with varied tasks & working conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study is to probe into the applicability between air force organization and subordinates work attitude, in order to analyse the leadership mode. The Paternalistic type leadership is differs from traditional leadership theories in that it provides a more layered approach for directors. Therefore, with this in mind, this study will attempt to consolidate the relative theories of the East & West. The department of Air force’s logistics personnel have been selected as the object of this study. Analysis of data collected from questionnaires completed by air force personnel forms the basis of this study. The data was collated and summarized it based on this author’s practical experience, referencing previous dissertations & questionnaires. 289 completed copies were received, after statistical analysis a theorem was developed which fit the air force organization. A general summary of the study outcome to be referred to the force’s management, is as following: (1) Authoritarianism leadership has opposite effect with regard to overall job satisfaction, but has good effect with organization commitment. In addition, the more tough authoritarianism leadership, the more subordinates’ job stress as well. (2) Benevolent leadership has good effect with regard to job satisfaction and organization commitment, and no effect on work related stress. (3) Moral leadership has good effect on job satisfaction and organization commitment, and the more tough moral leadership, the more subordinates’ job stress as well. (4) With regard to the both leaderships of authoritarianism and moral have effect upon job stress, and then subordinates personality characteristics have noticeable impact on it.


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李 青(2011)。家長式領導、工作滿足與留任意願關係之研究 -以臺灣國際觀光旅館為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2011.00015
