  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Degree of Attachment, Volume of Turnover, Anxiety and Turnover Intentions of Securities Workers--The Moderating Effects of Paternalistic Leadership

指導教授 : 黃曼琴


集體的離職、跳槽行為一直是證券業存在已久的現象,也為企業組織帶來了不安定,甚至影響組織的營運,本研究欲以水平角度探討同儕間不同依附程度對留任者離職傾向的影響,並以垂直角度探討主管不同領導風格對留任者的離職傾向影響。 本研究將券商從業人員不同依附程度與其面臨不同之集體離職規模以組合型態進行研究,探討前述之組合,不同組合間對其面臨同儕集體離職後,其焦慮及離職傾向是否有顯著差異;此焦慮情緒是否影響其離職傾向;進一步探討不同類型之家長式領導,是否干擾員工焦慮與其離職傾向的關係。 研究結果發現:從業人員之依附與焦慮間呈顯著正相關、依附及焦慮與離職傾向間皆呈顯著正相關;且家長式領導中的「德行領導」對於與同儕依附高且面臨大規模集體離職之從業人員其焦慮與離職傾向的關係,具負向干擾效果。 最後歸納結論並提出建議:若組織必須施以裁員時,可以多次「小規模」裁員行動,以有效降低留任者焦慮情緒,避免焦體離職規模繼續擴大。若組織發生大規模集體離職時,對於高依附從業人員其主管可多施以德性領導,以降低其離職傾向,避免不必要的離職行為。


Collective turnover and job-hopping has been a long-stand phenomenon in the securities industry; this not only comes into the organization’s instability but also affects the operation of the business. The purpose of this study is with horizontal perspective to investigate how the different degree attachment of peers influences the intention of turnover of those stayed in the company; and in vertical angle to survey the influence in the intention of turnover of from different styles of leadership. This study uses different combination factors of the degree of the peers’ attachment and the scale of collective leaves that securities workers confronted with to research if there is a significant difference in the anxiety and turnover intention; and to study whether the anxiety of peers influences the intention of turnover; furthermore, to check the relation between the different style of Paternalistic Leadership and anxiety and the intention of turnover. The result showed that the degree of attachment have positive and signification effect on anxiety and turnover intentions; and in high degree of attachment and large volume of turnover, the “moral leadership” of paternalistic leadership has negative moderating effect on anxiety and turnover intentions of employees. The conclusion and suggestion: if a business have to lay off employee, multiple “small scale” layoff can reduce the anxiety of remains, and avoid the collective leaves continues to expand. If large volume collective leaves happen, the supervisor could use moral leadership to subordinate who has high degree attachment, it could reduce turnover intentions, avoid unnecessary turnover behavior.


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