  • 學位論文


The Relationship of the I and the Other in The French Lieutenant’s Woman

指導教授 : 黃逸民


透過福爾斯的後設小說式的寫作技巧和列維納斯的臉的理論來探索在維多利亞時中的人與人之關係運作。 進而帶出深層的探討,我者和他者的關係。 導論的部分,我試著運用列維納斯的理論來看這部作品,法國中尉的女人。而且運用簡單的論述來解釋為何要用列維納斯的理論來看這部作品。進而給讀者大概的閱讀方向。 第一章的部分,焦點放在中產階級的主角們身上,查斯,莎菈,和提那。討論的重點為社會對他們放上的無形枷鎖。運用列維納斯的理論來檢視他們是否有機會和能力來脫它的束縛。 第二章的部分,重點放在佣人階級上,運用列維納斯的臉的理論探討山拇和瑪麗,從他們的自身關係來看他們如何在此時空景下從事人和人之的動關係。 第三章的部分,運用胡爾塞的在理論來支持列維納斯的臉理論。諸如,莎菈對查斯而言,她是扮演著讓他揮之不去的角色。然而,瑪麗對山拇,則是扮演著鏡子的功能來照出山拇的他所想要追尋的另一面。 結論,總結出之前的論點來帶出是否有解決方法來對應出冷淡和維多利亞時期人和人之間的關係,進而來運用它的影響力來看現今社會上人和人之間疏離的關係。


我者和他者 他異性


In the Victorian Age, there are many large changes to transform our lives and widen the gap among people. Advances of Science, Industrial Revolution and indifferent interrelationship really influence the mode of society and the way of living. Therefore, the Revolution brings out the “cold” relationship among people, even though advances of technology indeed improve the quality of life and bring more conveniences to people. However, the interrelationship of people seems getting worse than before. Those changes would continue to affect the modern society. In my thesis, my focus is on the possibility of finding out the solution to confront this cold and indifferent society. “Modern consciousness, however, is inextricably rooted in nineteenth-century culture. The idea of modernity was already a source of public debate and widespread anxiety as the Industrial Revolution transformed social, economic, and political life faster, it seemed, than such changes could peacefully be absorbed.” This quotation from Norton Anthology briefly offers us a thought that the Industrial Revolution brings enormous effects to us. The Revolution also brings out a disputed issue that has been argued for a long time. The changing conditions of women's work created by the Industrial Revolution posed an equally strong challenge to traditional views of women's roles. In this novel, female is still an object belongs to the male. The French philosopher, Emmanuel Levinas, is chosen to examine and explore this possibility in the novel, written by John Fowles, The French Lieutenant’s Woman. By employing his theory of face, we could realize there is a wide gap existed for a long time and it continues to widen. His theory presents the caring of people and ethics of society. His theory leads out problem for us to realize the seriousness of people’s relation and provides plausible solutions to engage in those problems. My contribution is to find out the solutions by exploring Levinas’s theory of face. We still have the ability to change our lives from coldness to warmness in order to increase “temperature” in the society. As mentioned in Norton Anthology, that is to say, ‘"Modernism" is central to any discussion of twentieth-century art and literature. It has been called the "tradition of the new," or an attempt to reject old habits of thought while expressing contemporary history in all its chaos, anxiety, technological development, and rapid change. It has also been called the "dehumanization of art," an overly self-conscious style that prizes technical brilliance while ignoring traditional humanistic values.’ Due to the format of novel, it is metafiction, a kind of postmodern writing. Through this writing, readers could engage in the development of characters, however, the characters would be dehumized. Therefore, Fowles employs this writing technique to have a conversation between author and readers.


Works Cited
Emmanuel Levinas on Moral Evil and Our Responsibility.” Journal of Social Philosophy, 30.1: 29-45. Web. 19 December 2002.
Davis, Colin. Levinas – An Introduction. Indiana:University of Notre Dame Press,
1996. Print.
Falzon, Christopher. Foucault and Social Dialogue. London and New York:
