  • 學位論文


A Study on the Importance of Commercial Fire Insurance Underwriting Factors

指導教授 : 范姜肱


核保利潤為產險經營的重要利源之一,核保利潤的高低反應了承保業務的品質,也呈現了業務經營的績效。在國內產險市場中,火災保險為汽車保險以外的第一大險種,由於其損失頻率低、損失幅度高之特性,在未有嚴重天災或重大事故之年度中,其對核保利潤的貢獻度常較汽車保險來得高。 本研究從學術層面、實務作法及消防角度中歸納出商業火災保險核保時考量的四大類主準則及十二項次準則核保因子,運用分析層級法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)訪問國內八家產物保險公司十一位資深火災保險核保人員,藉由受訪專家賦予各核保因子的權重,可提供商業火險核保人員,鎮在進行核保決策時有一清楚明確之參考依據,進而改善核保效率,提昇核保利潤。 本研究發現,受訪專家賦予最高權重的前三名分別為「生產流程」、「建築結構」及「消防設備」,顯示受訪專家對於引發危險事故的因子最為在意,其次則為事故發生後的損害程度,第三則是事故發生初期能否有效抑制災害的擴大。


Underwriting profit constitutes one of the major profit sources in non-life insurance. The rates of underwriting profit signify the quality of underwritten policies and further virtually embody the insurance performance. In the non-life insurance markets in Taiwan, fire insurance plays virtually a pivotal role, next only to motor insurance. Fire insurance is characterized by low loss frequency, but high loss severity. In a year without occurrence of significant acts of God, force majeure or critical accidents, the contributions yielded by fire insurance would even outperform motor vehicle insurance. In the present study, we would like to generalize the underwriting factors in four major criterion factors and twelve sub-criterion factors through academic aspects, hands-on practice and perspective in fire prevention. Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), we interviewed eleven veteran fire insurance underwriters in eight non-life insurance companies in Taiwan. Those interviewed experts were weighed with the underwriting factors. The findings and conclusions yielded in the present study will function as definite grounding references to commercial fire insurance underwriters in the underwriting process. In turn, the findings and conclusions yielded in the present study will help enhance underwriting efficiency and boost underwriting profits. Among the findings yielded in the present study, the top three weights as bestowed by the interviewed experts are “production procedures”, “architectural structure” and “fire prevention equipment & facilities”, suggesting that the factors which might lead to a jeopardous incidents of insurance are the top concern in the eyes of the interviewed experts, as followed by extent of damages after occurrence of an incident. The facts whether a calamity is inhibited from worsening in the initial phase of occurrence of the incident are the third concern of the interviewed experts.


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