  • 學位論文


Research on Classroom Management Ideas and Communication Behaviors Used in Shared Classrooms With Taiwanese Homeroom Teachers and Foreign Teachers Working Together in a Private School

指導教授 : 陳麗華


在全球化及強調國際競爭力的影響下,台灣各地國小已開始推動雙語教學,並有逐漸推廣的趨勢。在推動雙語教學的過程中,通常以英語教學的推展及其成果最受到家長的關注。為因應雙語教學的需求,越來越多國小聘請外籍教師授課,不僅以此作為該校的辦學特色,且能獲得許多家長的高度認同。以私立小學來說,為了讓學生浸淫在全英語的學習環境中,往往聘請外國籍教師作為班級導師,與台灣籍導師共同帶領並合作、管理班級。然而,由於國籍、文化及教育背景的不同,因此兩位導師在合作過程中,難免會發生因著文化差異而引發對彼此認知的誤差,這對兩位導師來說不僅是文化衝擊,同時也考驗著雙方在跨文化溝通方面的能力。然而兩位導師的合作成果,也反映在班級管理以及學生的學習成效中,但若要達成良好的成果,背後則需要兩位導師、校方行政人員,甚至是家長的共同參與。 為瞭解雙導師制度對於班級經營成效的影響,本研究以新北市春天國小(化名)為例,透過深度訪談的方式收集資料,從「導師協作」、「班級經營」及「文化差異」三個面向作為研究重點。研究發現,對於兩位導師而言,在與對方溝通的過程中難免出現因文化差異所產生的誤解,其中最主要的溝通障礙仍在語言無法精準表達真正的想法及感受;其次,雙方的文化差異也顯現在對於班級管理方面的理念有所不同,這對雙方來說都是一個很好的學習的機會;雖然兩位導師在開學期初會針對教學各項事務進行分工,但仍會有分工不均的感受。因此,本研究建議,校方應協助導師進行課堂以外的良性互動及協調溝通,並且透過多樣化的教學活動來相互學習、合作,最後,在分工方面,兩位導師應就各自的需求進行公開透明的討論且有效的溝通,並且做出相對應的調整。


Under the influence of globalization, with an emphasis on global competitiveness, elementary schools across Taiwan have begun to promote bilingual teaching, and it has gotten a lot of attention. In the process of promoting bilingual teaching, English learning and its achievements are usually the biggest concerns for parents. In response to the needs of bilingual teaching, more and more schools have hired foreign teachers to teach English. This mechanism has not only become the feature of many schools, it is also highly recognized by many parents. In the case of private elementary schools, in order to immerse students in a completely English learning environment, foreign teachers are often hired as class instructors, working closely with Taiwanese instructors to lead and manage classes. However, due to cultural differences, as well as differences in nationality and educational background, the two instructors may inevitably face cognitive errors caused by multiple differences. For them, this is not a cultural shock, but also a test of their ability to conduct cross-cultural communications. The results of the cooperation between the two instructors are reflected in class management and the learning effectiveness for the students. In order to understand the impact of dual instructor systems on the effectiveness of class management, this study takes the Spring Elementary School (pseudonym) of New Taipei City as an example. Through in-depth interviews to collect data, this study focuses on “teacher collaboration”, “class management”, and “cultural differences”. Several findings are drawn from the data. This study suggests that the school should assist the instructors to interact and communicate outside the classroom; two instructors should learn and cooperate with each other through diverse teaching activities. In terms of task division, the two should have open and transparent discussions on their needs and make corresponding adjustments.


一、 中文部分
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