  • 學位論文


A study on the development of education for tourism and its strategies of recruiting students in the universities in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要是採取文件分析法及訪談法進行。訪談對象主要是選取金門大學、中國文化大學、醒吾技術學院、高雄餐旅大學四所案例學校觀光休憩相關系所主管為對象,針對我國大學校院觀光教育之發展及其招生策略進行探討。本研究目的主要如下: 一、瞭解我國大學校院觀光或休憩相關系所教育的發展。 二、比較不同類型之案例學校觀光或休憩相關系所面臨之危機。 三、瞭解案例學校觀光或休憩相關系所之招生策略。 四、根據研究結果提出建議,供教育主管單位或相關系所未來經營之參考。 本研究之主要結論有: 一、隨著國內經濟發展及服務業興起,觀光系所之設置不再是技職校院所專有,一般大 學校院也有許多設置相關系所。 二、一般大學校院觀光相關系所的發展與定位主要在於專業知識與管理,積極培育理論。 之觀光產業服務管理人才,以及提升觀光學術研究能力,鑽研多元化觀光管理相關。 議題。 三、技職大學校院觀光相關系所的發展與定位主要在於實務操作上以及親自體驗就業的 經驗培養在反應能力快而出色的觀光人才。 四、四所案例學校的觀光相關系所發展有相同處,但也各自展現其特色,並有不同的招生策略。 五、四所案例學校成立觀光教育科系所面臨之問題主要都是集中在生源的問題。


Abstract: This study mainly, via adopting the methods of document analysis and interview, aims to explore the development of tourism education in universities in Taiwan and to analyze their methods of recruiting students in these departments. In order to understand the detailed strategies of recruiting students in the tourism related department, four universities, e.g. National Quemoy University, Chinese Culture University, Hsing Wu University and National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, are chosen as samples for this study. The main purposes of this study include: 1. To understand the development of tourism related education in universities in Taiwan. 2. To explore the crisis faced by the tourism related departments in different types of higher education institutions. 3. To understand the strategies of recruiting students in the relate departments in the four universities chosen. 4. Based on the research findings, to propose suggestions to the related bodies for the reference of reform in the future. The main conclusions of this study are : 1. Influenced by the economic development and the expansion of services business, tourism related education are provided not only in the sector of technological universities, but also in the sector of general universities in Taiwan. 2.The focuses of tourism related education in general universities and technological universities are different, the former put more emphasis on theoretical studies, and the latter, on the field experiences. 3. There are similarities in the development of the tourism related education among four universities chosen, but each of them has also developed their own characteristics, and their own unique strategies of recruiting students. 4. The decline of birth rate in recent years in Taiwan has resulted in the common difficulties of the recruitment of students in all of the four universities chosen.


