  • 學位論文


On the Recruiting Strategies of Private Senior Vocational Arts Schools – A Case Study

指導教授 : 楊維楨


由於少子化趨勢及教育政策的改變,使得各級學校招生日愈困難,尤其技職教育體系式微及私立職校招生不足狀況日愈嚴重。本研究以某私立藝術高職為個案研究對象為例,探討私立藝術類科高職招生策略上應有之作為,供做私立藝術類科職校參考。 本研究在質的方面採文獻分析法,蒐集國內外相關研究歸納整理,並針對研究對象之教職員和學生進行抽樣訪談;量的部份則以問卷調查法,編製「私立藝術類科高職學校招生策略之研究」問卷,針對研究個案學校學生調查,共發出822份問卷,回收有效問卷751份,回收率達91%,並以SPSS統計軟體進行統計分析。 研究結果顯示: 一、 學生對招生策略之認知程度相當高。 二、 學生在校實際感受滿意程度普遍不高。 三、 不同性別、年級、科系學生對招生策略的認知程度均存有差異。 四、 不同性別、年級、科系學生對招生策略的現況滿意程度均有差異。 五、 學生對招生行銷策略的重要性認知與現況滿意程度存有差距。 六、 影響學生就讀意願主要之外在招生資訊依序為「師長告知」、「網路」、「家長告知」;主要關鍵人員依序為「家長」、「該校在外表現傑出校友」、「朋友」。 七、 影響學生就讀學校主要之內在個人動機依序為「學校類型符合自己興趣」、「課程具有特色」、「學校名聲」;就讀科系之動機依序為「與自己興趣結合」、「符合自己生涯規劃」、「課程具有特色」。 八、 經訪談結果顯示學校負責招生業務教職員對招生策略認知與學生略存有差異;學生對招生策略看法與上述問卷調查結果大致相似。


Due to the steady decline of the birth rate in recent decades and reforms of educational policies in recent years, all educational institutes in Taiwan are facing tremendous recruiting challenges. These challenges are particularly difficult, if not impossible, for vocational and training schools of all sorts as they have been increasingly marginalized. Sensing this urgency, this thesis aims to identify bottlenecks for their recruiting practices and provide them surviving suggestions. The sample population for this study includes faculty members and students from a private vocational school specializing in education of performing arts. This study utilized quantitative research as well as qualitative research methods. For the qualitative research methods, this study conducted a literature analysis. Inductive reasoning was adopted to study relevant and well-known domestic as well as international publications, and the sample population was randomly selected and interviewed. For the quantitative research methods, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to all sample population. A total of 822 questionnaires were distributed, and 751 valid questionnaires were collected. The collection rate was 91%, and SPSS was utilized to analyze the statistics. The study result indicated: 1. students were highly cognitive about the recruiting strategy 2. in general, the benefits promised in the recruiting materials were not perceived by students 3. cognitive discrepancy for practiced recruiting strategies existed among students of different genders, grades, and majors 4. degrees of satisfaction for the recruiting progress varied among students of different genders, grades, and majors 5. cognitive discrepancy existed between perceived importance of recruiting strategies and degrees of satisfaction among students 6. sources of reference affecting decisions for school selection include recommendations from teachers, the Internet, and parent suggestions (listed in the order of importance); key decision influencers include parents, well-known alumnus, and friends 7. internal motivations for attending a certain school include school types that match personal interests, attractiveness of the curriculum, school reputation; for major selections, the influencing factors include the match for personal interests, level of alignment for career goals, and specialization of the curriculum 8. interview results revealed that slight cognitive discrepancy for recruiting strategies existed between faculty members responsible for implementing recruiting strategies and students, which is quite consistent with the findings from the statistical analyses.




