  • 學位論文


A Study on Friendliness for Bicycle Riding Environment.

指導教授 : 羅孝賢


現有的騎乘環境不夠友善,民眾騎乘自行車時遇到許多困難與危險,降低民眾使用意願,本研究建立一簡易的作業流程以評估自行車騎乘環境友善性,評估結果可供民眾選擇較符合其需求(安全、快速、舒適、便利)的路線騎乘,並提醒民眾騎乘於不友善的路線時,應更注意安全。 將友善性評估指標分為安全性、舒適性、動線便利性、吸引力等四項評估指標,以問卷、Duncan多重比較分析找出民眾騎乘時最擔心的問題,並轉換為可評估的項目,依民眾認知給予評分後與指標權重進行計算,以求得騎乘環境的友善性評估結果;友善性程度分為A(最友善)、B(次友善)、C(最不友善)三個等級,在地圖上分別以綠色、黃色、紅色表示,旨在呈現方式簡單,民眾易於瞭解。 將大安區分為170個路段,實地驗證發現,C級路段約佔2成,多為幹道,應注意車流量、速限、左轉待轉區空間不足等問題;B級路段約佔1成,多為次要道路、巷道,應注意車流量、路邊停車等問題。


Bicycle riding environment is unfriendly, which leads difficulties, dangers, and lower willing to use. The study to establish a simple process for the assessment bicycle ride environment-friendly. Results of the assessment provides people to choose different routes with their demand to ride (safety, fast, comfortable and convenient), and reminded the public who ride on unfriendly routes should be pay more attention to security. There are 4 principles (security, comfort, convenient of route and attractiveness) on bicycle friendly indices. A questionnaire and Duncan's multiple range test use for discoverd the question that people are worried. Convert those to be items that can evaluate, then computare the public awareness of rating and the weight of principles as a result. Friendliness for bicycle riding environment has three grades ─ degree A (most friendly), B (friendly), C (most unfriendly), on a map of respectively green, yellow, Red said, aimed at getting quite simple, and easy to known. Separate the road at the zone of Da-an Dist into 170 links, the field inspection founds:there are 20% links are level C, and most of those are arterial. People should pay attention to traffic volume, speed limits, the shortage space of left turn waiting zone. There are 10% links are Level B, most of those are minor streets, alley, which should be aware traffic volume and parking.


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