  • 學位論文

美軍網狀化作戰(Network Centric Warfare, NCW)能力之研究:以兩次波灣戰爭發展為例

US Network Centric Warfare Capabilities Studies - Base on the Development between Gulf War & OIF

指導教授 : 曾復生


  1.  美軍網狀化作戰理論,受其第一次波灣戰爭的影響而啟蒙,歷經了科索沃戰爭(1999年)、美阿(阿富汗,2002年)戰爭的演進,至第二次波灣戰爭(2003年)已初具成效。因此,從時間點上來說,兩次波灣戰爭期間對於資訊作戰的運用,激發了整個的網狀化作戰概念成形,成為美軍未來聯合作戰願景的基礎。 
  2.  網狀化作戰的實體基礎,是將全世界的網路,劃分為「全球資訊網格」(GIG, Global Information Grid),並將雷達、偵察衛星、無人飛行載具等感測器,組成「感測器網路」(Sensor Network),另將飛機、船艦、飛彈、各式火砲乃至單兵等武器的指揮管制,組成「接戰網路」(Engagement Network),運用全球性的資訊優勢(Information Superiority),使美軍在全球的任何戰場,都能看的到、打的準,發揮「優勢機動」、「精準接戰」、「聚焦後勤」、「全維防護」,達成全頻的優勢,打贏任何一場的戰爭。
  3.  網狀化作戰有整合武力,執行聯合作戰的優勢能力,然而仔細研究,目前網狀化作戰的優勢在於解決戰術性的軍事問題,而非戰略的層級。在面對未來的戰爭,仍有(一)現有武器系統不相容的缺失;(二)未來技術發展的限制;(三)戰略文化的衝擊;(四)指揮管制的挑戰等執行上的困境待解決。


  1. US Network Centric Warfare (NCW) theory was first introduced after Gulf War. Through experiences gained from Kosovo War, Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) NCW theory has proofed its credibility. Accordingly, due to massive application of the information technology, evolution from the Gulf War to the OIF has stimulated the forming of NCW concept and has become the basis of the US’s Joint Vision 2020 plan.
  2. .The physical foundation of NCW is to compartmentalize its whole network to become the Global information Grid (GIG) and integrate sensors such as RADAR, reconnaissance satellites, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), etc., into sensor network, and command and control (C2) systems such as aircrafts, ships, missiles, artilleries, soldiers into engagement network. By taking advantage of global information superiority, the US military may see and strike precisely. Ideally, in the long term, information superiority will bring US JV2020’s four pillars, Dominant Maneuver, Precision Engagement, Focused Logistics, Full-Dimensional Protection, into play and ultimately win any war.
  3. Information network may effectively integrate forces and improve combat efficiency in joint operations, but currently it may only solve tactical problems, not strategically. In the face of future warfare we still have problems, such as inadaptability in existing weapon systems, barriers in developing future technologies, strategic culture shock, C2 challenge, etc., waiting for solutions.


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