  • 學位論文


The Ancient Strategic Concept of“Contemporary Power Competition” of Han Fei and Its Impact on the Strategic Vision of “One Belt, One Road” in Today’s China

指導教授 : 黃介正


西元前500年的中國,在險峻的戰國環境下,國家生存發展,成為各國內政與外交的重要課題,改革舊有煩冗的禮法,發揚「富國強兵」制度,成為求生的惟一手段,那個國家能成功地完成生產力與軍政改革,便能掌控大局,此即為戰國時期各國戰略目標。 韓非生於列強競爭、國與國互相征戰的時代,彼此全無道義可言,俱以私利為出發點。因此主張欲求國家生存與發展,首要就是「務力自為」,他提出:「上古競於道德,中世逐於智謀,當今爭於氣力。」理論,認為在當今這個時代,只有在力量上爭勝,才能使國家保全,甚至富強。 韓非總結了商鞅的「法」、申不害的「術」和慎到的「勢」三家思想,他師承荀子,借鑒老子,並在儒家的基礎上發展法術之學,對國家事務主張採行強制高壓手段,雖未盡符合現代自由民主社會精神,然其所主張之方法,確為當時維護國家秩序之要,而其思想也成為先秦諸子中集大成者,並托起了一個強大的封建帝國,影響了數千年的中國封建政治。 經過2500年歲月更迭,西元2012年習近平接任中共中央總書記後,中國面臨內有經濟成長逐漸趨緩、貪腐風氣嚴重問題,外有美國「重返亞洲」的政策影響,以及與日本的東海爭議,與越南、菲律賓等國的南海爭議,甚至被封鎖於第一島鏈的困境,與千年前的秦國被諸國封鎖於西方一偶情境不惶多讓。 為維護中國在亞洲的利益與影響力,習近平於 2013年出訪哈薩克時,首次提出共同建設道路聯通、貿易暢通與貨幣流通的「絲綢之路經濟帶」倡議,並在同年出訪印尼時,提出加強與東協國家互聯互通建設,共建「21世紀海上絲綢之路」構想,盼藉此擴大政經版圖及國際影響力、主導世界的戰略行動。   傳統戰略思維,是一個民族歷史文化沉澱發展出的獨特思考,是一種藉經驗昇華而成的習慣邏輯,中國戰略研究學歷史源遠流長,自春秋戰國時期起,各種富國強兵學說,多少都融合了各家優點而成為經世致用之學,各類兵書也不侷限於單純作戰,更融入了治國御民等高層次的主張,本文就「韓非子」思想中的「當今之世爭於氣力」主張,對照當代中國「一帶一路」戰略予以分析探討。


In 500 BC, China was in arduous situation of the “Waring States.” Reforming old and cumbersome rituals and establishing "rich state and strong military" institutions have been keys to survival and development of each state. Han Fei was born in the period of wars among states based on interests than righteousness, hence he argued the first priority of state was “self-strengthening,” based on his analysis of “ancient competition was virtue-based, mid-age competition was wisdom-based, and contemporary competition should be power-based.” Han Fei integrated the theoretical thinking of “law” by Shang Yang, “tactics” by Shen Buhai, and “posture” by Shen Dao, summarized the “legalistic” parts of Xun Tzu, Lao Tzu and Confucius to develop his own Legalism. His advocacy of heavy-handed measures in governance to maintain state order had influenced thousands of years of Chinese feudal empire. When Xi Jinping assumed power in 2012, China suffered with economic slowdown and corruption domestically and externally with U.S. policy of “pivot to Asia,” disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines. China’s situation was similar to the state of “Qin” 2500 years ago. To protect and expand China’s interests and influence in the world, Xi Jinping proposed the “Silk Road Economic Belt” when visited Kazakhstan in 2013 and the “Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century” when visiting Indonesia the same year. Traditional strategic thoughts are unique thinking developed from national history and culture, and logic sublimation of accumulated experiences. The flourishing thoughts in the ancient “Spring and Autumn” and the “Warring States” periods have provided us with abundant reference in today’s governance and international politics. This study is to apply Han Fei’s Legalism thinking to understand and analyze the “One Belt, One Road” policy in China today.


