  • 學位論文


Women in American Foreign Policy: Three Female Secretaries of the State of the United States of America

指導教授 : 李本京 黃介正


21世紀隨著科技技術的快速發展,全球的地域疆界已被模糊化,各國之間的距離感逐漸消失,但緊密度卻增高。美國身為世界強國,一舉一動都備受世界關注。小布希總統曾說過:「美國國務卿就代表了美國的臉孔。」國務卿除了要熟悉外交事務,能在國際舞台上站穩美國的立場,為美國最大限度地爭取利益。 此外,國務卿還需要具備出色的政治智慧、協調能力與個人魅力,既與總統密切合作,又能緊密聯繫和協調國內勢力。 過去女性在政治領域中有領導地位者並不多,但隨著「女權即人權」的意識高漲,女性的地位已大大提升。本論文以三位女性國務卿歐布萊特,萊斯與希拉蕊為例,並從三位女性國務卿的出生背景,從政歷程,再到其政策內容的分析,來看女性在美國外交政策中所扮演的角色,並比較與男性所主導的外交政策有何差異。 研究顯示,雖然女性普遍是認為較為柔和,並且崇尚和平,但三位女性國務卿卻並沒有因性別而忽略美方利益,但的確有比過去男性國務卿更注重「人權」議題,國務卿希拉蕊甚至將婦女權益問題列為他外交政策中的重點內容之一。 女性國務卿對美國已不再是特例,女性成功的在外交領域中站穩腳步,但在政府的領導階層中,男性仍位居多數。其顯示男性雖然為政策決策的主要掌控者,但女性的意識已然抬頭,女性未來在政府部門中除了國務卿一職,仍有許多要角能夠嘗試,而女性在外交政策中之角色的研究也能因此更趨完整。


歐布萊特 萊斯 希拉蕊 美中關係 人權


With the rapid development of science and technology in the 21st century, the nation borders have been blurred, and the distance between the countries is gradually disappearing. But in the same time the tightness increased. The United States as a super power, every decision it she made is important to the world. A good Secretary of the State, have to familiar with foreign affairs and have a firm position to promote the interests of the United States. On the other side, the Secretary of State not only needs to have necessary political wisdom to work with the President, but also in close contact and coordination of domestic policies. In the past, women whom in the political leadership position has been limited, but with the rise of feminist consciousness, the status of women has been greatly enhanced. The thesis mainly demonstrates the three female Secretaries of State: Madeleine Albright, Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton which analyzing their backgrounds, the process of participating in political affairs and their foreign policy contents. According to the research, we can discover how women play the role in U.S. foreign policy, and the differences from the male foreign policy makers. Generally speaking, women are softer and advocating peace than their male counterparts. But the three female secretaries of state did not ignore U.S. interests, just because their gender. Female Secretaries of State actually paid more attention to the human rights issues. Secretary Hillary Clinton even emphasized women interest is one of her foreign policy goal. Female Secretaries of State of the United States have no longer been a special case in the United States, though they had taken a long road to get there. Even male foreign policy makers are still more than female ones, the awareness of women already rise up now and will get more attention in the world.


林庭輝,〈美國國家安全顧問與國務卿於外交決策制定過程中之競爭關係〉,《通識研究集刊》 第5期,2004年6月,頁101-128
張登及 王似華,〈中美建交三十年:北京對美政策與雙邊關係回顧〉,《全球政治
