  • 學位論文


The Study on Relationship among Organizational Embeddedness, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance of Financial First-Line Employees

指導教授 : 陳海鳴


隨著政府金融改革之目標,立法通過「金融控股公司法」施行,使得金融服務業已趨向整合之途徑,強調彼此之間專業上之互補。除了講求員工的專業知識之運用外,更強調彼此之間的合作與溝通,讓企業之產品能順利推展給顧客。因此,本研究欲藉由瞭解金融基層員工在企業之人際關係類型是否足以影響員工對於企業之組織承諾,進而提升其工作績效表現之結果。 本研究依據Granovetter(1985)提出鑲嵌之概念、Hassink(2002)與Cornwell和Harrison(2004)之組織鑲嵌概念,定義組織鑲嵌為在企業組織中,員工透過工作因素或非工作因素所形成之人際網絡為基礎,創造個人更深且持續之社會關係。除此之外,過去學者研究多偏向組織承諾或工作績效,本研究試著探究組織鑲嵌與工作績效二者之間相關性,並以組織承諾為一中介變項,加以探討三者之間相關性及其影響。 本研究依據天下雜誌2005年公佈調查之14家金控公司〈包含金控旗下子公司〉之基層員工,採用分層隨機抽樣進行問卷調查,共發出500份問卷,有效問卷共計438份,有效回收率87.6%,利用廻歸分析進行驗證,研究結果如下: 1.金融基層員工較偏向於關係性鑲嵌; 2.金融基層員工較偏向於持續性承諾; 3.金融基層員工較偏向於任務績效; 4.金融基層員工組織鑲嵌與組織承諾之間具有部分正向關係。此表示金融基層員工對於組織鑲嵌之認同程度越深,組織承諾會有部份因素相對的提升; 5.金融基層員工組織承諾與工作績效之間具有正向關係,即金融基層員工對於組織的承諾度越深,工作績效會有相對的提升; 6.金融基層員工組織鑲嵌與工作績效之間具有部分正向關係。此表示金融基層員工對於組織鑲嵌之認同程度越深,工作績效會有部份因素相對的提升; 7.研究顯示金融基層員工組織承諾在組織鑲嵌與工作績效二者之間確實具有中介效果,表示金融基層員工在企業組織中,透過工作因素或非工作因素所形成之人際網絡,會由於員工對組織承諾度提升,進而對工作績效有所影響。


With the goal of the government finance reform, the legislation has adopted “the financial holding company laws,” it causes financial service industry has already be trended in integrated way, and emphasizes the complementary of the field with each other. Besides asking the utilization of employees’ professional and knowledge, enterprises emphasize more on the cooperation and the communication to each other, enables the products could smoothly be promoted for their customers. Therefore, this study wants to realize that the financial first-line employees’ interpersonal relationship type whether sufficiently does affect the employees’ job performance achievements benefit by their organizational commitment. According to Granovetter(1985)the concept of “embeddedness” , Hassink(2002) and Cornwell&Harrison(2004)the concept of “organizational embeddedness”, this study defines the “organizational embeddedness” that is “the employees build their own interpersonal networks via work or non-work factors in the organization, creating deeper and continued social relationship for themselves.” In addition, scholars’ researches more prefer to organizational commitment or job performance in the past, but this study tries to realize the relationship between organizational embeddedness and job performance; moreover, takes organizational commitment as one mediator variable, discussing the relationship among three variables and the influence of them. This study focuses on the first-line employees in fourteen financial holding companies (including their subsidiary companies) are based on Common Wealth Magazine’s(2005) announcements, and uses stratified random sampling to proceed the questionnaire survey, and there are 500 questionnaires, effectively are 438, and the effective returns-ratio is 87.6%; furthermore, this study’s confirmation by regression analysis, and the results are as followed: 1.Financial first-line employees comparatively are partial to the relational embeddedness. 2.Financial first-line employees comparatively are partial to the continuance commitment. 3.Financial first-line employees comparatively are partial to the task performance. 4.It has the partial positive relationship between organizational embeddedness and organizational commitment. It means the more degree of organizational embeddedness to the financial first-line employees; the higher the some of the factors to organizational commitment can be raised relatively. 5.It has the positive relationship between organizational commitment and job performance, namely the more degree of the organizational commitment to the financial first-line employees, the higher of their job performances. 6.It has the partial positive relationship between organizational embeddedness and job performance. It means the more degree of organizational embeddedness to the financial first-line employees; the higher of their job performance factors can be raised relatively. 7.The study demonstrates that organizational commitment truly has mediator effect degree between organizational embeddedness and job performance. It indicates the financial first-line employees are formed with interpersonal network by work or non-work factors in the business, and the higher organizational commitment can be affected employees’ job performances.


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