  • 學位論文


A Study on Japanese Biotechnology Industrial Cluster of Saito in Kansai Area

指導教授 : 任燿廷


群聚(Cluster)的概念始於生態學,後應用於經濟理論中。Porter於1990年《國家競爭優勢》中,提出國家的競爭優勢往往表現於某一種特殊產業上,而該產業會在該國內形成某種群聚的現象,以加速產業發展與經濟的成長。有鑒於1951年美國崛起於矽谷發展的科技產業聚集成功,各國也開始仿效。但產業群聚的成功原因及背後發展的理論及根源,以及他會為一個國家帶來多大的競爭優勢效應? 生物科技產業成為21世紀除了IT產業外,竄起的熱門產業,各國政府也開始著重於這塊新興產業的發展,生物科技產業包含的範圍由醫療製藥到農業食品開發無所不包,而近年來成為熱門的主要研究置於醫療相關產業這一方面,各國政府看好生物科技產業的競爭優勢,因此大量的制定相關優惠政策及投入資金和人才以培育發展該產業。 以日本關西的生技產業為例,觀察日本政府近年推動的產業群聚政策效應。日本關西地區於2001年被指定為政府城市再生計畫中的生技產業基地。並於2005年初,合計有90家相關企業在該區成立,目前為止不論在新藥研發及醫療機械、技術等各領域都創出了新成果。另外,也有許多外資生技公司正向居世界第二名(僅次於美國)的日本生物科技市場進駐。這種種跡象顯示生物科技產業在日本居於相當重要的地位。 本文先以既有的資料及文獻分析目前日本生物科技產業的狀況, 再以產業群聚理論及鑽石模型等理論為背後主架構,研究日本關西地區生科產業形成群聚的背景與原因。Porter(1990)提出國家鑽石體系理論後,認為政府在整個體系中對於其他四項因素的影響相當微妙,不應屬正面或負面範圍。理想的政府應成為媒介與挑戰者,除扮演適當的支持國家競爭力角色外,鼓勵產業創新以刺激國內市場競爭力也是基本的原則。因此本論文主軸將放在群聚產官學三方效應的政府政策,即探討政府政策與廠商互動的關係及對於群聚效應所帶來的影響。冀以日本政府目前的產業創新政策可以作為將來台灣政府之一個思考方向。


The concept of clustering begins with ecology, and then apply to the economic theory. That Michael E .Porter puts forward that competition advantage often display on a certain special industry in " The competitive advantage of nations " in 1990, and this industry will become a cluster, in order to develop the industry and accelerate economic of a country. Because the success of development of technological industry cluster that in Silicon Valley U.S.A. in 1951 , various countries begin to imitate it too. But what is the theory and origin that the successful reason of industry's clustering develop, and how can it bring competition advantage and effect for a country? The biotechnology industry becomes besides IT industry, the hottest industry in the 21st century. The governments of countries begin to focus on the development of this new industry too, the range that the biotechnology industry includes developed all medical make and pharmacy and agricultural area .etc. And recent years the main in research is medical area , the governments have an optimistic view of the competition advantage of the biotechnology industry , so the governments also put much investment and a large number of human resource and relevant preferential policies in order to developing this industry. Take biotechnology industry in Kansai area of Japan as the example, this thesis observe the Japanese government's policy effect in industry cluster in recent years. The Kansai area was appointed as a base of biotechnology industrial cluster of government's city plan in 2001. And at the beginning of 2005, 90 relevant enterprises are established in this district , create the new achievement no matter in every field , such as new medicine researching and developing and medical machinery , technology ,etc. at present. In addition, a lot of foreign capitals are investing in Japan biotechnology market which is occupying the second place of the world (besides U.S.A. ). These all show that the biotechnology industry being quite important status in Japan. This study analyses the state of the biotechnology industry of Japan by documents and thesis, and the main structure based in clustering theory and diamond model. In order to find the background and reason of biotechnology industrial cluster of Kansai area. After Porter (1990 ) proposes the diamond model, think that the government has quite delicate influence on other four factors in the whole system, should not belong to negative or positive range . The government should become media and challenger, besides acting the proper support role, it is a basic principle to encourage the industry to innovate in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the market. So main point of this thesis will place on government policy, especially on the influence of the government and companies' mutual-stimulating relation in the cluster. And hope this study of Japanese government's innovative policy can be a direction of Taiwan government's policy in the future.


陳忠仁,張陽隆(2006)<產業群聚對廠商行為及組織績效影響之研究—以台灣高科技產業為例>,ISSN 1023-2842中山管理評論第十四卷第二期頁pp315~338。


