  • 學位論文


Identifying critical factors for selecting ab-initio cadet pilots

指導教授 : 許超澤


隨著民航運輸產業的擴張,國內民航業者於1988年起著手進行培訓機師訓練計畫以滿足飛行人力需求。對航空公司而言,培訓機師制度除了可適度補充航空公司對人才的需求之外,亦可培訓出符合公司企業文化的飛行員。然而,由於培訓機師的訓練成本昂貴,因此如何在選訓過程中有效甄選適當的人才,並使其能順利完訓,以減少訓練成本的浪費已成為目前航空公司的重要課題。 縱觀國內外飛行員甄選的相關研究,多以軍方或一般飛行員作為研究對象,鮮少針對培訓機師進行研討。又此類研究均運用統計分析或個案研究方法,著重於探討心理因素以及甄選工具的信、效度為主,並未將飛行員視為航空業人力資源管理中重要的一環加以探討。因此,本研究導入職能模式觀點並使用多準則評估方法來發掘培訓機師完訓的潛在重要特質。 本研究透過一系列深度訪談並結合決策實驗室法,發現培訓機師完訓需具備以下重要特質:除了絕對重要的「謹守紀律」、「健康狀況」及可根據各公司自行人力特質需求的「人格特質」之外,尚包含了對於「基礎物理」、「基礎數學」及「基礎航空相關知識」的瞭解,「學習」、「同步作業與肢體協調」、「外語」、「溝通」、「決策」及「團隊合作」等基本能力的具備以及「勇於接受挑戰」、「積極學習的態度」與「智能」等特質。並根據分析網路程序法計算出各特質的相對權重,進一步提出對於各特質之選訓建議。 研究結果亦發現大多數的特質要素,均可在基本考選與地面學科訓練階段,經由持續地觀察與考核,檢測出培訓學員是否擁有各項特質。故而建議航空公司可將現有選訓過程分成四階段,依序為:(一)前置甄選階段、(二)地面學科訓練階段、(三)基礎飛行訓練階段、(四)進階訓練階段,並於第一及第二階段增加考核項目、時數並調整訓練環境,以漸進方式篩選出適合的人才,再送訓國外飛行學校,以避免無法完訓所造成的投資損失。


As the civil aviation industry expands in Taiwan, the airlines initiated the ab-initio cadet pilot training programs to meet the increasing demand for pilots since 1988. The airlines can benefit through the training programs not only in increasing a number of well-trained young pilots but also in molding the young pilots to fit the company’s culture. However, training ab-initio cadet pilots costs tremendously. Therefore, selecting the eligible persons, who are able to pass the training program, is a crucial task for airlines. The majority of previous pilot selection studies are primarily focused on exploring psychological factors or the reliability and validity of selection tools for military or other types of pilots using statistical analyses or case study methods. Because the selection of ab-initio cadets is rarely discussed in literature and it plays a critical role in the airline human resource management, this research employs the concept of competency and Multiple-Criteria Decision Making methods to find the critical characteristics of eligible cadets. By using in-depth interview and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method, this research finds fifteen critical characteristics including self-discipline, health, personality traits, the knowledge of basic physics, basic mathematics, basic aviation, learning ability, good eye-hand coordination, English ability, communication ability, determination, team work, the brave in challenge, the attitude of active learning, and intelligence. Each factor’s corresponding weight is also calculated by Analytic Network Process (ANP). The results show that most of the characteristics can be evaluated in the period of pre-selection and ground training by careful observation and examination. Therefore, we suggest that airlines may divide the program into four consecutive stages including pre-selection, ground school, basic flight training, and advanced flight training phase. Adding proposed tests and providing proper training environment in the former two phases can effectively select qualified cadets to avoid further unnecessary investment.


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