  • 學位論文


The Development of ACG Industry in China

指導教授 : 陳建甫


中國官方於2004年之後開始關注動漫產業的發展。儘管在2010年中國動漫產業總產值已達470.84億元人民幣,現階段中國動漫產業仍面臨許多問題。這些問題主要可以歸納為三個方面,其一為產業方面的問題,像是產業鏈不成熟、企業融資困難等等;其二為創作方面的問題,像是動漫作品受眾定位模糊、動漫作品重量不重質等等;其三為政府政策方面的問題,像是智慧財產權保護不周、政府自身的角色定位不明確等等。 美國、日本以及韓國的動漫產業發展模式不盡相同,它們的發展經驗能夠給中國提供許多借鏡。美國以3D動畫與漫畫書刊見長,3D動畫更搭配眾多衍生商品行銷全球,且政府未給予補助,完全以市場自行發展為主;日本以其完整的ACG(N)產業鏈,擴大產品收益以及增加能見度與知名度,並以天馬行空式的豐富劇情打入全球市場,而政府除了完善相關法規營造良好創作環境外,未給予直接扶持;韓國則以網路為主要載體,主攻網路遊戲市場,並藉由全方位的OSMU提高作品知名度,也穩定收入來源,而政府則是韓國動漫產業的幕後推手,相關法規與扶持政策完善。 中國動漫產業的發展方式可兼 採美日韓國等國的優點,首先中國政府應確立「政府引導、市場主導」的發展策略,並應放寬言論管制的力度,以及制定相關法規改善國內的創作環境,像是智慧財產權的保護、對同人創作權力的保障、建立作品分級制度、確保中小型企業的生存空間等等;並仿效日本政府般推廣「動漫外交」,增加中國動漫作品在國際上的能見度與影響力。動漫相關業者應嘗試確立以漫畫業為龍頭產業的發展模式;引進「製作委員會」或類似的集資方法解決融資問題;發掘同人作家;以及積極開發衍生商品,仿效美國動漫的衍生商品開發或韓國的OSMU模式,增加衍生商品的銷售。


Chinese government began to focus on the development of ACG industry in 2004. Although the output value of ACG industry in China reached 47.084 billion RMB in 2010, there are still many developing problems. These problems can be classified into three kinds. The first kind of problems is about industry environment, including incompletion of industry chain, companies’ difficulty in financing, lack of professional producers, and lack of communicating media. The second kind of problems is about creative environment, including people’s traditional prejudice against ACG works, companies’ lack of understanding of target audience, consumers’ preference for foreign ACG works, and companies’ focusing on products’ quantity instead of quality. The third kind of problems is about government’s policies, including less protection for intellectual property, government’s uncertain role in ACG industry, and disregard of doujin authors in China. China can learn experiences from America, Japan and Korea. America’s ACG industry focuses on 3D animation, comic books and related derivative products. American government didn’t give directly support to ACG companies. Japan develops a complete ACG (N) industry chain that can easily promote their imaginative ACG works. Japanese government pays attention to developing better composing situation, but hasn’t given directly support to ACG companies. Different from America and Japan, Korea’s online games producers are the market leaders of Korea’s ACG industry, and use OSMU effect to promote ACG works. Korean government gives many supports to ACG companies and establishes many supporting policies. The strategies of China’s development of ACG industry can be concluded as below. Chinese government should assure itself of its role in ACG industry, help local ACG works spreading internationally, and enact laws on the protection of intellectual property, SMEs and doujin authors’ right. Besides, government also has to build complete rating system and loosen the limitation of freedom of speech. As for ACG companies in China, they should develop comic book industry as leading industry, use “production committee” method or similar methods for financing, and discovering talented doujin authors. Furthermore, companies should pay more attention to design and produce derivative products.


