  • 學位論文


New Consumption patterns, Webcasting and Merchandise Sales- A Research of D Creative Marketing Company Business Strategy

指導教授 : 蔡政言 博士




With the decline of the old path and the emerging channels of the new consumption patterns rise, channel marketing strategy formulation and implementation, has become a scholar and practitioners must have a high degree of mastery. With the study of this paper, it is possible to understand the marketing strategy of the new consumption type pathways. In particular, there is a channel for the guest TV station. In the past, almost no one has been able to glimpse the horizon, and it is generally considered that the level is relatively low. , I do not know that such a path and often even a single file output value is higher than the TV shopping, seemingly simple program content, in fact, is the operation strategy is constructed in Maslow demand theory and empty nest syndrome ... and other heart theory, In accordance with the marketing 4R marketing module, launched for accurate TA accurate marketing strategy. The popularity of consumers in the new channel, brand awareness, brand association, whether and channel strategy is related, and whether the impact on sales performance, in this paper will be further in-depth discussion.


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