  • 學位論文


A Study of Adaptive Design Strategy for Pedestrian Network

指導教授 : 柯純融


論文摘要: 街道成為適合人們舒適行走的空間,使活動有機會在街道旁產生,人們願意在街道旁停留,將街道納入居民生活的空間。街道開始不再是被人們所遺棄的都市過渡空間,而是成為人們生活的場所。但地建築產業在生產、運輸過程無疑是對日常生活相當的威脅。建築產業在每一項加工過程之間運輸過程對環境造成的威脅,當大型運輸車輛(砂石車、聯結車、混凝土預拌車…)行走在街道上的行人身旁經過總是會感受到不適與心理上的壓力,這些威脅可分為對生命安全有直接影響與對環境造成威脅。 藉由空間網絡分析的操作方式,在區域中提出對應的空間類性,從空間類型中的使用者的行為為出發設計出對應的環境感測裝置,去回應多種空間類型下的環境數據差異性,如:噪音、一氧化碳含量、震動等…。並提出感應裝置的設計、放置區位與設置方式,藉由空間區域類型的差異性分別將不同數量的機能性環境感應裝置(警示、改善舒適度)置入環境中,以改善道路旁行人所遭受的安全與環境中車輛所造成的威脅。 本設計研究在思考這些對環境的威脅能否透過行人使用Data Drive與資訊的選擇而避免這些威脅發生在自己的身旁,相對的在做選擇的當下希望能夠有充足資訊幫助做選擇。可能以一人的能力無法改善大型運輸車輛對環境所造成的威脅,但能透過自己選擇的行為避開高污染的路徑或者是預先有充足的時間做好相對應的應對措施。 設計研究後段為裝置設計作為基礎去提供數據城市下在利用環境數據的回饋方式,這些思考方式成為未來大數據城市下運作的重要基礎。在城市中存在的大數據無法透過在短時間內大範圍收集就可以獲得有效率與實際對應使用者需求的數據,因此在地方(場所)上所收集的小範圍數據在長時間的收集底下可回饋與使用者活動相關的數據。透過小數據的累積才有機會建立出在城市中大數據的基礎,使這些數據能夠反映出使用者的需求。


Abstract: The street becomes a suitable space for people to walk comfortably so that the activities have happened along the street. People are willing to stay and put the street as living space. The street is no longer the urban transition space abandoned by people, but the place where people live. However, the production and transportation process of the construction industry is undoubtedly a threat to daily life. The construction industry has threats to the environment during transportation between each process. When large transport vehicles drive along with the pedestrians on the streets, they will always feel discomfort and psychological stress. Its direct impact on safety and the threat to the environment. Through the operation of network analysis, the corresponding environment sensing device is designed from the behavior of the user to respond to the environmental data. Such as noise, carbon monoxide, vibration, etc... The design and setting of the sensing device are proposed. Different types of functional environmental sensing devices (warning, improved comfort) are placed in the environment to improve the pedestrians on the roadside. This design study is considering whether these threats to the environment can prevent these threats from happening by using choices by pedestrians and the data drive. Relatively, in the choice, hoping to have information to help make choices. It may not be able to improve the environmental threats caused by large transport vehicles with one person's ability, but it can avoid high-pollution paths through the actions of their choice or in advance to respond accordingly. The thesis design study is based on device design to provide feedback on the use of environmental data in cities. These ways of thinking become an important basis for the operation of big data cities in the future. Reward data related to user activity. Through the accumulation of small data, there is an opportunity to establish the basis of big data further, so that the data can reflect the needs of users.


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