  • 學位論文

日本及德國汽車產業的生產效率分析- 以迴歸及相關性分析法對生產效率影響因素分析

Production Efficiency of Automobile Industry in Japan and Germany Analysis - Regression and Correlation Analysis

指導教授 : 劉一成




The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the efficiency of German and Japanese automobile industry by regression analysis and factors comparison during 1980 to 2014. Although the automobile industry is so competitive and has been through the automobile crisis during 2008-2014, there still has less studies that mentioned about the cost efficiency of automobile industry. Even though some of studies might offer the direction to this thesis, they could not solve the problem about various technology and different environment that the automobile industry faced with. Therefore, it is going to analyze the efficiency of German and Japanese automobile industry through the regression analysis and consider factors in different environment and technology. In the result of this thesis, it indicated that the revenue rate of German automobile industry is higher than Japanese. Although the average revenue rate of Japanese automobile industry exceeded German during 1980s, but this situation has been reversed since 1990s and the gap between Japan and Germany has been enlarging until the end of observation period.


中文部分 :
中國產業發展研究網 (2016),2016年美國汽車產業銷概況。 https://read01.com/ zh-tw/jo2Dz3.html#.W1l1kdIzZPZ。
朱峻賢(2016),2015年全球車市概況 出版社:財團法人車輛研究測試中心。
