  • 學位論文


The Study of Individual Financial Planning and Attitude for Taipei Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 白滌清 沈景茂


本研究旨在探討台北市國民小學教師的理財行為。在研究方法上,本研究採用問卷調查法。調查的對象以台北市公立國民小學教師為母群體,採用分層隨機抽樣,以自編之「台北市國民小學理財態度、規劃與工具之研究調查問卷」為研究工具。共計發出31所學校,505份問卷。回收有效樣本計293份,回收可用率為59%。問卷回收後,以SAS for Windows進行統計分析,分別根據研究問題進行敘述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗與積差相關等方法,再根據其結果,歸納出本研究之發現與結論。 根據本研究發現,歸納出下列結論: 一、台北市國小教師結構顯示出穩定成熟的狀態。 二、台北市國小教師理財態度理性謹慎兼具積極。 三、台北市國小教師理財規劃的內涵重視「儲蓄與投資」。 四、台北市國小教師理財規劃的步驟強調「了解自己的理財屬性與財務狀況」。 五、台北市國小教師對理財工具比較偏好短、中期操作者。 六、對理財內涵抱持不同重視程度之台北市國小教師,在理財工具類型上存在顯著差異;但對理財步驟的抱持不同重視程度上則無顯著差異。 七、對理財抱持不同態度的國小教師,在所持有的理財工具類型上都存在顯著差異。 八、偏好中期操作理財工具者與偏好短期操作理財工具者,多數都認為理財規劃之內涵中「儲蓄與投資」最為重要。 九、理財工具三個群集中多數人都認為理財規劃步驟中「了解自己的理財屬性與財務狀況」最重要。 十、理財態度中「利潤導向積極型」之理財態度者與「博採眾議穩健型」之理財態度者,都偏好中期操作理財工具,而「保本安逸保守型」之理財態度者,卻偏好短期操作理財工具。 十一、經卡方檢定,各研究變數與人口統計變數之關係如下: (一)理財態度:在性別上呈現顯著差異,其餘則不顯著。 (二)理財工具:在年齡、婚姻、子女數、年資上呈現顯著差異,其餘則不顯著。 (三)理財步驟:所有人口統計變數均不顯著。 (四)理財內涵:在年齡上呈現顯著差異,其餘則不顯著。


This study is to probe the teachers’ financial planning behaviors at Taipei elementary schools .The subjects of this survey were teachers at Taipei municipal elementary schools, and the method of Stratified Random Sampling was implemented. We invented a questionnaire, named “The Questionnaire on The attitudes, and Tools of Financial Planning of Teachers at Taipei Elementary Schools”, and some questionnaires were distributed to 505 teachers at 31 schools. The number of the effective questionnaires was 293 with a response rate at 59%. We did the data analysis using SAS for Windows, and exerted the Descriptic-Statistic- Analysis approach, the T-Test approach, 1-Way ANOVA approach, the Chi-Square Test approach, and the Product-Moment Correlation approach to induce the findings and conclusions as follows: a. The research shows that the structure of Taipei elementary school teaches is maintained at a mature level. b. Their financial attitudes are rational, discreet, but yet aggressive. c. Their financial planning emphasize saving and investment. d. Their financial planning steps lie much in “knowing your own investment risk tolerance and financial status.” e. They prefer the short–term or mid-term investment. f. They differ in choosing the financial tools when the considerations of the risk tolerance for different teachers are taken into account. g. They differ in holding different financial products, because they have different views about financial planning. h. Most of the teachers, who prefer short-term or long-term investment, value saving and investment most than anything else. i. Most of the teachers in the common cluster of 3 different groups think very highly of the step, “knowing your own investment risk tolerance and financial status.” j. With an attitude, like “profit-orientation minded and aggressive” or “taking –suggestion-from-all-account”, the investors tend to prefer mid-term financial tools, while with an attitude, like “conservative and principal-keeping minded”, the investors tend to prefer short-term financial tools. k. Through the Chi-Square Test approach, the relationship between the variances of each research and the variances of the demographic statistics is as follows: I. Financial attitudes: financial attitudes differ across genders, but they do not differ much in other aspects. II. Financial tools: With some factors in mind, like age, the marital status, the number of children, and the seniority at work, more different financial tools are likely to be used; otherwise, less financial tools are liked to be used. III. Financial management steps: when all factors concerning the demographic statistics are taken into account, all variances are insignificant. IV. Investment risk tolerance: When the factor of age is taken into account, the difference among different groups of investors is significant, but the difference in other factors is less significant.




