  • 學位論文


A Study on the Teaching Practice of the New Immigrants Teaching Materials from the Multicultural Perspectives

指導教授 : 陳麗華


本研究旨在透過行動研究的歷程設計實施一套多元文化教學設計方案,提升學生的多元文化素養及增進教師的專業成長。本研究場域為研究者所服務的某山區國小,研究對象為中年級學生共16位,實施時間共為12週12節課。過程中採用觀察、訪談、文件蒐集等方式蒐集資料,進而整理對所蒐集的資料、分析與歸納。本研究旨在藉著行動研究的歷程,過程中探討教學歷程與實施技巧分析,並了解學童多元文化素養之學習表現,最後察覺教師個人在專業上的轉變。根據文獻探討、研究分析與討論,獲得如下之研究結論: 一、多元文化之課程教學轉化與策略歷程分析 對中年級的學生而言,多元文化課程實施歷程提供學童很好的多元文化體驗機會,並且讓師生更深切體認多元文化素養的重要。教學策略為跨文化了解與溝通、文化回應教學、公民行動教學模式,讓學生能從體驗式活動中實踐多元文化的精神,發展社會行動能力。 二、從學生多元文化素養學習情況:「多元覺知」、「族群關係」、「文化探究」、「社會正義」等層面的探討發現,提升學生對於我族文化的瞭解與他族文化的認識。與學生對於學習多元文化認知的興趣,增加自我的認同感及他族文化的接納程度。並能表現出助人的意願與行為,但批判思考能力尚未成熟。 三、經由課程設計方案教學後,提出研究者的省思成長。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,作為有意在多元文化教學之國小教師及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to design and implement an instructional design project,to improve the students’ multicultural literacy and to promote the teacher’s professional growth through action research. Observations were done at a school where the researcher worked in the mountains.The subjects of this research were sixteen children in the third and fourth grade.The process consisted of a 12 classes during a 12-week period where the researcher implemented a multicultural teaching program.The multicultural instructional design project was divided into three units. During this process, it collected data through observation, interviews and documents gathering, etc. Then, it sorted, analyzed and summarized the collected data. This research aimed at designing teaching activities and discussed the teaching process, analyzed the implementation techniques and learned about the students’ learning performance of multi-cultural literacy. At last, it detected the teachers’ transformation in their professions. Based on literature review, research, analysis and discussion, it arrived at the following conclusions: 1.For the third and fourth grade students, the implementation process of multi-cultural courses had given students a good opportunity to experience multi-culture and led teachers and students to an even deeper appreciation of the importance of multi-cultural literacy. The teaching strategies included cross-cultural understanding and communication strategy and culturally responsive teaching ,and the students would practice the spirit of multiculturalism and develop the abilities of social action from experiencing the activities 2.The multicultural teaching program enhanced the students’understanding of their own culture and other cultures about“Awareness with multiple perspevtives,” “Ethnic relationship”, “Cultural exploration”, “Social justice”. It also enhanced the students’ interests to learn multicultural awareness as a result of learning about other culture it provided them with a greater understanding of their own cultures. The students showed the willingness to help the minority group, but they still needed to enable themselves to be critical thinkers. 3.After the instructional design project teaching, suggestions were made. Finally, suggestions were made based on the research results to be served as a reference for elementary school teachers interested in multi-cultural teaching and future researches.


