  • 學位論文


The study of the influence of typhoon and rainfall on relation between runoff and runoff coefficient

指導教授 : 林意楨


本研究探討集水區在颱風侵襲或是在降雨事件中,利用合理化公式分析逕流相關係數與河川流量之相互關係,並配合地理資訊系統推算出集水區坡度與土地利用程度,比較其集流時間、降雨強度與坡度間之變化關係,並由土地利用分析判別開發程度與逕流係數之關係。 彙整1997年至2006年間花蓮溪流域之馬鞍溪橋測站、秀姑巒溪流域之馬遠橋測站、利嘉溪之利嘉(2)測站、北港溪之溪口測站、鹽水溪之新市測站集水區十年間,所有日流量與日降雨量資料與安珀颱風、桃芝颱風、敏督利颱風、海棠颱風和泰利颱風的相關資訊,並推求集水區之集流時間、降雨強度、逕流相關係數,以分析各集水區逕流相關係數與河川流量關係之相關研究。研究結果顯示,在線性迴歸分析中可得知以有效降雨為依據的分析方法較佳。利用地理資訊系統將地形數值模型(DTM)分為三種坡度級別(0%∼5%、5%∼40%、>40%)來做分析,研究結果顯示在集流時間與坡度成反比。依土地利用情形探討集水區開發程度與其逕流相關係數之關係,研究結果顯示在發生颱風事件的情況下,各集水區開發程度與逕流相關係數除了馬鞍溪橋與馬遠橋外都成正比關係,而在以有效降雨為依據的研究中,集水區開發程度和逕流相關係數很明顯成正比關係。


Thesis studies used the measured river discharges and rainfalls from different watersheds for different typhoons and rainfall events. The Rational Formula is analyzed the relation between runoff coefficient and runoff . GIS is calculated slopes and landuses in different watersheds. Compared between concentration times, rainfall intensity, slopes, and landuses, and we analyzed the relation between landuses and the runoff coefficient. It collected the daily runoff and rainfall data from five different watersheds from 1997 to 2006, and the five different typhoons’ data which are Amber, Toraji, Mindulle, HaiTang, and Talim had also been gathered. And it calculated the time of concentration, the rainfall intensity, and runoff coefficient in different watersheds, and it analyzed the relation between runoff coefficient and runoff. From the results, we known that in the rainfall events shown the better agreement in the linear regression analysis. In GIS application on DTM, three type of slope, Ⅰ(0%~5%), Ⅱ(5%~40%), and Ⅲ(>40%), were use to study the slope effects on the relation between river discharge and surface runoff. From the analyses’ results, the time of concentration was directly proportional to the degree of slope. According to different landuses, we discussed the relation between the degree of the developmens and runoff coefficients. The results of this research showed, besides Ma-An-Chi Bridge and Ma-Yeuan Bridge, landuses were better and run-off coefficient were better in the typhoon events.In the effective rainfall's events, landuses were better and run-off coefficient were better in all watersheds.


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