  • 學位論文


Baudrillard: the modern societies and symbolic exchange – in Symbolic Exchange and Death

指導教授 : 徐鵬飛


在第一章的部份中,主要以釐清布希亞在思考邏輯與寫作模式上之來源與架構。首先便概述了結構語言學與結構主義對布希亞帶來之影響。接續闡述了布希亞在作品中援引之人類學論述來源,包括了贈與制度、誇富宴、庫拉儀式等。並且概略分析了布希亞在思想上發展至《象徵交換與死亡》一書前,於「社會學思想發展」時期及「馬克思主義思想批判」時期中,思考邏輯之演變過程。 第二章的部份便是以《象徵交換與死亡》為主要研究重點。除了介紹布希亞的「切割系統」理論外,此章亦透過布希亞的論述,找出並比較在原始社會與現代社會之間,人們面對死刑、屍體、死亡等事件之反應;同時找出在此些事件中,「象徵交換」是以何種形式存在,並闡述布希亞提及之「死亡衝動」的論述觀點。接續分析在原始社會中之象徵交換,將之與現代社會中之經濟交換相互比較。 第三章延續了第二章的理論,分析了布希亞將「象徵交換」理論運用在現代社會中之論點,找出在性、裸露、色情中,「象徵交換」存在的方式。最後透過分析「符號」、「符碼」、「時尚」、「商品拜物教」與「廣告」等元素,以瞭解在布希亞的論述中,現代消費社會是以什麼樣的方式所建構成。接續從台灣的原住民族社會開始討論起,列舉幾項台灣原住民於日常生活的風俗中,具有象徵性交換行為之例子,如:「獵首」儀式、成巫儀式、黥面與刺青,以及檳榔於原住民祭儀中所佔有的重要地位。最後論述現代台灣社會中,與象徵交換相對應的消費社會:透過分析檳榔西施、電子花車與兩個廣告系列,來找出台灣廣告中回收自傳統及原住民等層面之符號。


布希亞 象徵交換 死亡 原始社會 贈與 切割系統 台灣


The main direction in the first chapter, is to introduce the sources of Baudrillard’s thinking and writing logic. Presentation of the structural linguistics from Saussure, and the structuralism of Lévi-Strauss are the first two key points in this section. The introduction of the anthropological inferences that Baudrillard used in his books is also another key point: they are the concepts of the “gift” and the “potlatch” from Marcel Mauss, the “Kula exchange system” from Malinowski, and “The Original Affluent Society” from Marshall Sahlins. In the second chapter, we examine the tenets and principal points of Baudrillard’s “Symbolic Exchange and Death”. First, we introduce the structure of this book, then the theory of “the system of separation” between “symbolic” and “imaginary” of Baudrillard. In addition, the use of the contrast between the primitive society and the modern society will be studied with regard to the theme of the death, the cadaver, and the death penalty. The thesis will also analyze the “symbolic exchange” in the primitive society, and its differences with the “economic exchange” in the modern society in Baudrillard’s discourse. The third chapter will analyze the role played by the symbolic exchange, in “Symbolic Exchange and Death” and other Baudrillard’s works through the these of the body, the gender, the nude, and the sexual exchange. We’ll follow an expose on the structure of the consumer society dominated by the sign, the code, the mode, and dvertisement. Furthermore, this thesis will analyze the symbolic exchange of aborigines in the Taiwan society. The thesis will also study some Taiwan society’s phenomenon such as the “betel nut beauty”, the “ritual chariots”, and two series of advertisements campaigns, in order to show how modernity in Taiwan recycles images from traditional culture.


Baudrillard symbolic exchange death the primitive society gift potlatch kula Taiwan


Lévi-Strauss, C., Tristes tropiques, Paris : Plon, 1955
Barthes, Roland,《神話學》(Mythologies),許薔薔、許綺玲譯,台北市:桂冠圖書公司,1998
王嵩山,《台灣原住民的社會與文化》,台北市 : 聯經出版事業公司,2001


