  • 學位論文


The Influences of Perceived Value and Brand Image on Purchase Intention - An Empirical Study in Taiwan’s Luxury Industry.

指導教授 : 張俊惠


精品一向有著奢華、尊貴的地位象徵,是社會各階層消費者所渴望的產品。其中許多精品品牌有著長久的歷史文化,至今仍在全球保有至高的地位。近幾年精品產業銷售成長雖逐漸趨緩,但隨著亞洲市場崛起、網購習慣普及以及千禧世代交替,仍然有許多研究報告對精品產業的發展抱持樂觀的展望。因此本研究將針對精品產業有關的消費行為進行研究。 由於在消費行為的研究上,有許多學者採用知覺價值的構面來衡量消費者行為,再加上品牌形象在行銷領域的地位日趨重要。因此本研究將探討功利價值、象徵價值、享樂價值和品牌形象對精品消費者購買意圖之影響。而根據(Fishbein & Ajzen 1975)研究指出,態度是購買意圖產生的重要前因。據此,本研究亦探討精品的消費者中,態度所扮演之中介角色。 本研究使用SPSS 22.0和LISREL 8.7做為資料分析工具,透過結構方成模式分析得出以下結論: 一、功利價值、象徵價值、品牌形象對精品消費者購買意圖有顯著影響。 二、態度扮演部分重要中介角色。


精品 知覺價值 品牌形象 態度 購買意圖


Luxury goods has been the symbol as extravagance and nobility, also it is the product customer always coveted no matter their social stratum. Many luxury brand has a long standing history, though global economy has undergone fluctuations , they still stand a dominant market position in the world. Although the sales of luxury industry has slowed down in recent years, still many research pointed out luxury industry has a promising future due to the raise of Asian markets, online shopping and millennials. Thence this study will focus on consumer behavior in Taiwan luxury market. Since perceived value has been applied wildly under customer behavior researches. Besides, the importance of brand image in marketing are getting stronger gradually, therefore this study aims to explore the impact of utilitarian value, symbolic value, hedonic value and brand image on consumers' luxury goods purchase intentions in Taiwan. According to Fishbein & Ajzen(1975), attitude is an important factor to lead purchase intentions, so in this study, attitude will be applied as a Mediation role in this research model. SPSS 22.0 and LISREL 8.7 would be applied to conclude following results: 1. Utilitarian value, symbolic value, and brand image have significant impact on the purchase intention of Taiwanese boutique consumers. 2. Attitude plays part of the important intermediary role in the study.


