  • 學位論文


A Study of Influence of Brand Image on Purchase Intention - Symbolic Interaction Perspective

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


本研究旨在探討品牌印象對購買意圖的影響,以符號互動觀點和需求型態作為干擾變數,觀察是否有顯著影響。由於消費者對於品牌印象有不同的知覺程度,因此本研究認為在消費者心中有個消費者品牌知覺連續帶,提出顯性品牌印象與隱性品牌印象概念,想研究在不同的品牌印象下,是否對消費者的購買意圖有顯著影響,而本研究嚐試運用社會學中的符號互動論觀點,作為消費者行為之研究,以進行探討與驗證。 由於消費者透過符號互動,且能根據符號消費行為而顯露在消費行為上,因此,把符號互動放入行銷方面的研究中。當消費者需要由社會所賦予符號意義之特殊物品或服務,這種購買行為就會發生。具有這樣特質的產品和品牌就會在消費者個體與重要參考對象之間,被當成一種社會工具來進行符號溝通。 本研究採準實驗設計法進行問卷測試,在正式問卷發放前,事先進行了一連串的前導測試,以利在正式問卷中選出合宜的測試標的。在大樣本測試過程中,運用便利抽樣的方式進行。 經由實證分析之後,確實發現符號互動與需求型態確實會影響消費者的購買意圖,希望提供學術界與實務界建議,並作為行銷相關人員行銷策略擬定上的參考: 一、由研究實證結果看來,消費者似乎比較偏好隱性品牌印象,隱性品牌印象的購買意圖高於顯性品牌印象,推測應該和消費者自身認知比較有關,或因生長背景因素讓他們比較青睞隱性品牌印象,而且在學歷上也有學歷愈高影響愈顯著的現象。消費者在不同品牌印象下,的確會受符號互動影響,尤其是消費者的心智能力,同時,也容易受到消費者社會需求的影響,當心智能力高、社會需求高,則消費者購買意圖也提高,因此,建議行銷相關人員進行調查、運用,相信會有實質上的幫助。消費則是偏好到專賣店、旗艦店進行購物,假若這樣的消費是一種趨勢,則行銷人員應多朝此方向努力。 二、研究中提及之消費者品牌印象知覺連續帶,在本研究中僅做了連續帶上其中兩點的大樣本研究,也得到證實,建議未來可進行連續帶上其它點的品牌印象研究。 三、在研究過程發現消費者初步的符號消費模式,希望未來的研究可以多加證實、運用與修正。 關鍵字:符號互動、品牌印象、購買意圖、心智能力、社會需求


This research tries to look into the influence of brand image on purchase intention, and uses Symbolic Interaction concept and different type of needs as interference variables to find how the interference variables interfere in influence of brand image on purchase intention. There are different degrees of perception of brand image in each consumer’s mind; hence this research think there should be a brand image perception district including Explicit Brand Image and Inexplicit Brand Image. Under different circumstances of Brand Image, we like to know if different Brand Image has great influence on each consumer’s Purchase Intention. In this research, we try to apply the concept of Symbolic Interactionism in sociology to consumer behaviors and try to discuss and test and verify. Owing to each consumer revealing some specific behavior on some consumption based on symbolic consumption through Symbolic Interaction concept, this research decided to put Symbolic Interaction concept into consideration to explain the meanings of interaction existing in all consumer nowadays. When consumers need some specialty goods or products or services that are clothed with some symbolic meanings from the society, the symbolic consumption behavior will arise. If some products and brands had symbolic meanings or characteristics, those would be looked as a tool by consumers to communicate in symbolic way with some reference groups or significant others. Quasi-Experimental Design was used in this research. Before the formal test going, we had some depth interviews and a serious of pilot studies to find some brand images being applicable to the formal test. In the large sample test process, we adopted the convenient sampling. Through some analysis results in this research, we found that Symbolic Interaction concept and different type of needs will influence consumers’ purchase intention. According to those results from this research, we suggest something with management meanings or practical implications to provide some people related to marketing with opinions to make marketing strategies when necessary. A. From the results in this research, consumers apparently prefer to Inexplicit Brand Image. The mean of purchase intention of Inexplicit Brand Image is higher than Explicit Brand Image’s. We conjectured that this result was very likely related to consumers’ recongnition or background or their belieives, so made them have a preference for Inexplicit Brand Image. We also found the higher education the consumers got, the more observance influences on the purchase intention of Inexplicit Brand Image. B. Under different brand image, consumers will be affected by symbolic interaction indeed, especially by consumers’ mind; meanwhile, consumers will be affected by social needs as well. Therefore, to understand and to observe consumers’ mind or some concepts bounded up with consumers’ mind is important, and to use those observations to make marketing strategies should get the way to success for business. For shopping places choosing, consumers prefer to shop in flagship store or specialty store. If this is a kind of trend, marketers should put more efforts on this. C. In this research, we brough up a consumers’ brand image perception district, and we verfied two points of this brand image perception district; at last we proof it will influence the purchuse intention of consumers. Here, we recommend that the future study as finding more evidences to support this brand image perception district. D. In this research process, we found that there should be a symbolic consumption relationship existing in consumer society, so we call that an initiative symbolic consumption model. We suggest future study continuing using this initiative model and proofing it. We believe that will provide business with some specific helps. Key words: Symbolic Interaction, Brand Image, Purchase Intention, Mind, social needs




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