  • 學位論文

公主特質傾向之消費者對ANNA SUI化妝品形象認同研究

The Research of the ANNA SUI Cosmetic Line and How It Appeals to the Princess Personality

指導教授 : 邱國峻


公主症候群文化是21世紀新興起的一種次文化現象,在這個次文化中的公主們也都享有她們共同的思想觀念、藝術美感、消費行為與其生活風格。女性自古以來都一直對於「美」這個字充滿嚮往並努力追尋著,隨著國民所得的增長和消費觀念的改變,也直接影響了化妝品消費市場需求提高,化妝品已成為現代女性不可缺少的生活必需用品,許多化妝商品也主打著公主品牌形象。 本研究主要是從消費者的面向切入,瞭解品牌透過圖像、造形、色彩符號的視覺包裝設計,賦予商品不同層次的文化性意涵,並影響消費者心中公主品牌形象之建立,使消費者透過品牌形象與購買行為產生的自我認同的意義,以提供未來品牌於公主形象設計時的參考依據。研究結果歸納如下:(1)具有獨立性現代公主特質的發現;(2) ANNA SUI成功的透過圖案與色彩這兩大視覺符號,形塑出屬於ANNA SUI的現代公主品牌形象;(3)認同ANNA SUI品牌的公主形象商品就是屬於與自我個性相符合的公主形象品牌;(4)現代公主特質之消費者的符號消費行為有:三種感官刺激產生之消費行為、購買一個屬於她們的夢想、美麗的化妝收藏品、可炫耀的化妝品。 經由消費文化的演進,消費者所消費的是一種對品牌商品在文化上的認同,也就是追求一種商品所提供的象徵性價值,商品的功能性的變美需求已經不能夠滿足消費者的慾望,必須透過文化的符號,將商品置入感性的元素,形成消費者所認同之公主形象品牌。


Princess Syndrome is a subculture phenomenon that has emerged in the 21 century. In such a culture, the princesses have their common concepts, aesthetic codes, consumption behaviors and lifestyles. Women have been longing for and pursuing “beauty” since the ancient times. As the growing of personal income and changes in consumption concepts, the requirements to cosmetics market have been heightened and cosmetics have become an necessity for life for women in modern times. Under these circumstances, many cosmetics brands give great emphasis to the brand image of Princess. This research starts from the consumers to understand how different designs of images, shapes and color signs give the cosmetics different levels of culture connotations and influence the establishment of the brand image of Princess in consumers’ mind, thus enhancing the self identity of consumers through the brand images and consumption behaviors, hopefully providing some references to the design of the brand image of Princess. The findings of this research include: (1) the modern Princess Trait with independence; (2) ANNA SUI’s success in building its modern Princess Image of its own from the two visual signs of image and color; (3) ANNA SUI is a Princess Image brand that suits consumers’ personal traits; (4) the symbol consumption behaviors of consumers with modern princess traits include: consumption behaviors stirred by the 3 types of sensory stimulations, and buying the cosmetics as a kind of showy collection that can satisfy their pursuits to their dreams and beauty. As the development of consumption culture, what the consumers buy is a kind of culture recognition to a brand, i.e. pursuing the symbolic values the brand provides. The beautifying function of the cosmetics can no longer satisfy consumers, instead emotional elements must be introduced into the cosmetics through the culture symbols to build the princess brand image that can be recognized by consumers.


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