  • 學位論文


A Critique Essay on the Film Script WHAT PRINCESS WANTS

指導教授 : 李道明


《我們要怎樣》是一個探討台灣女性「公主病」的瘋狂喜劇類型電影劇本創作。 故事內容闡述一位屆臨適婚年齡的女子,在面對追求者愛情的浪漫召喚,但在追求的過程中,仍渴求從前男友身上重新獲取安全感,兩種女性在愛情上的需求之間舉棋不定的心理過程。透過與前後任男友關係兩次失敗過程,她最終明白對安全感的過份追求,將導致孤獨的苦果。 創作論述針對台灣的社會時代背景,探討台灣女性在面對愛情選擇的難處,並說明故事構想的形成過程─解析《我們要怎樣》是如何由一個故事概念發展成三幕劇結構。 《我們要怎樣》運用許多愛情喜劇的元素,但最終並不採取happy ending的方式作為結局,給予觀眾的是一個經歷美好愛情的浪漫與心碎的起伏過程,從而珍惜現實生活中自己所能掌握的幸福。 論述與研究方法部分,描述劇本創作過程:從筆者個人生活經驗的情感發想,到一個三幕劇電影劇本的完整創作過程,並分析劇本結構與人物故事等元素。最後則彙整本劇本的創作過程與檢討,作為日後台灣相關類型創作資料的參考。


WHAT PRINCESS WANTS is a screwball comedy film script which probes into the issue of "princess syndrome" of Taiwanese women. The story describes a session on an indecisive psychological mindset between two different love demands of a lady who is reaching marriageable age. And despite of her facing a new suitor's call for romantic love, in the process of pursuit by the new chaser, she still desires to regain a sense of security from her former boyfriend. Through the failure relationship process with her former and latter boyfriends, she finally realizes that excessive pursuit of security sense will lead to bitter loneliness. This essay explores the dilema of facing love choice of Taiwnese women on the basis of Taiwan's social background at that time, explain the formation of this story's idea, also, it analyzes how the concept of WHAT PRINCESS WANTS evolves into a three-act play structure. WHAT PRINCESS WANTS adopts a lot of romantic comedy elements, but ultimately does not take the happy ending way as an outcome, giving the audience an experience of undulating course between a beautiful love romance and heartbreak, and from which they will in real life treasure what they can grasp for their own happiness. The discourse and research methodolgies describe the script writing process: how enlighening from writer's emotion and personal life experience to form a complete creation process into a three-act screenplay. Meanwhile, it analyzes the script structure, the characters of roles, the story and other elements. Also by way of this review on the focus of the entire film archive during the creative process, it builds up Taiwan's related genres of creative materials in the future.


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