  • 學位論文


SMEs Transformation into E-commerce- A Study of O2O Iintegrated Marketing Models.

指導教授 : 李月華


「新零售」時代的來臨,企業需同時經營實體店面與網路商店,進行有效的虛實融合,進行虛實融合模式,探就中小企業因為消費行為轉變,如何轉換經營模式,創造生機、中小企業轉型電子商務虛實整合行銷模式為何、中小企業運用大數據分析來創造新零售商機的成效為何? 本文藉由瞭解所選擇之該產業具代表性的實際企業個案,採個案分析法,來進行研究分析企業透過轉換經營模式,數位轉型過程,並收集相關資料包含中小企業數位轉型、行銷通路、大數據、虛實融合、電子商務與通路關鍵成功因素等文獻資料來源,並透過訪問來獲取該公司第一手資料,並在2018/11/30進行訪談收集研究相關資料。 個案公司增設品牌官網、Facebook、App虛擬商店,透過FB主要經營為粉絲互動、廣告投放,官網/App經營,則提供通路無差別服務為核心。公司內部部分,則加強員工的教育訓練,強化員工正確觀念,透過大數據分析,更能掌握各通路顧客對於商品喜好差異等,有效降低庫存囤積,結合91APP和電子商務四流功能,整合門市與網路跨通路銷費,來進行虛實融合及企業數位轉型。 透過91APP平台,整合於門市、網路跨通路消費,以推播提醒、廣告投放、 門市推薦,引導顧客進入O2O。當中發現O2O會員年均消費金額為純門市會員的1.47倍、消費次數為1.81倍,大幅提升會員消費。


With the advent of the “New Retail” Era, enterprises have to manage brick-and-mortar stores as well as online sales to adopt OMO (Online-Merge-Offline) business mode. This essay explores how SMEs transform their operating modes with respect to the changing consumer behavior, what marketing strategies they employ and what they achieve by virtue of Big Data analytics. This essay will use case study analysis on a representative SME in Taiwan. It shows that the company had changed its business operating mode, going through digital transformation. To assist the analysis, the reference materials involve those on digital transformation of SMEs and several key successful factors for retailers including marketing channels, Big Data, OMO and e-commerce and electronic channels. Moreover, personal interviews with the company’s senior supervisors are conducted on November 30, 2018 to gain first-hand information for the analysis. For digital territory the company has set up its official website, Facebook fan page and online shopping app. By means of Facebook, official website and app, they aim to deliver a seamless customer experience. For the interior, they emphasize in-house training, enhance employees’ knowledge of MOM mode and also improve quality of service. With big data analytics, customer preferences to some extent can be predicted, hence the inventory reduction. Besides, the service of 91APP (a new retail service company) and 4Ps of e-commerce marketing have also facilitated the company’s online-offline integration and digital transformation. 91APP helps establish omni-channel retailing and attempt consumers into O2O (online to offline) shopping model by app and website push notifications, online advertising and recommendations from some certain salesperson. The result shows that average annual spending of online members is 1.47 times more than that of offline ones’, and the former’s numbers of consumption is 1.81 times more than the latter’s.


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