  • 學位論文


A Study on Evaluation of Wireless Communication Network Alternatives for Urban Traffic Management Devices

指導教授 : 范俊海
共同指導教授 : 陶治中(Chi-Chung Tao)


Thomas S.Kuhn 在1967年所著的「科學革命的結構」中首次提出「典範轉移」(Paradigm Shift)的觀念,其意義係指科學的發展過程並非演化,而是革命。當交通運輸產業的S曲線將達到成熟期時,就必須有「破壞性技術」(Disruptive Technology)的出現。參照以往鐵路運輸科技的演進過程,從蒸汽火車頭到電力火車頭的誕生,即顯示運輸傳輸網路將從有線(限)邁向無線(限)。ITS發展至今,結合無線通訊的成功案例屢見不鮮,從利用GPS和GPRS 的智慧公車動態系統到使用WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network;無線區域網路)和WiMAX(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access;全球互通的微波存取)的交通區域無線管理和控制,無線交通號誌控制、無線即時交通資訊平台等應用服務已非紙上談兵。然而隨著無線系統日益演進,具有良好移動性、通訊成本較高且通訊頻寬較小的蜂巢式無線通訊系統(2.5G∼3G)已不是唯一的選擇,當前WLAN(802.11)雖然不具有移動性,但其以低通訊成本和高頻寬的優點已成為許多交通無線資料傳輸的選擇方案之一。展望未來,具有高移動性和高頻寬傳輸率的WiMAX(802.16)和WiBro(Wireless Broaband)將異軍突起,屆時全世界的相關交通現場設備管理者將會有眾多可行的方案可供選擇。 目前國內外ITS的相關應用在選擇無線通訊網路方案時,尚無較為完善之評選方式,有鑑於此,本研究擬以擁有較成熟ITS現場設備的台北市為例,從不同性質(質化、量化、綜合)的評估方法及不同質量化指標層面中,尋找最適合的無線通訊網路方案,以改善單一指標與單一評估方法的缺點。本研究係以都市交通相關現場設備管理者的立場,利用多準則決策方法尋求最適合的無線通訊網路方案。主要的研究項目如下:1)蒐集並彙整分析目前國內外ITS現場設備之無線通訊發展現況;2)藉由群體決策及灰色統計方法,建立都市交通現場設備無線通訊網路評選方案之評估準則;3)運用折衷權重法獲得各方案評估準則之權重;4)編組五個多準則評估法(FAHP、FTOPSIS、FSD、MEQQD和FGRAY),以比較具有質化和量化特質的準則條件,從眾多無線通訊技術組合方案(GPRS、3G、WiBro、WLAN、WiMAX、Wireless Mesh等)尋求最適合都市交通路側設施無線通訊網路方案及成效較佳的評估方法。 本研究係依據功能、品質、成本和系統4個構面及16個準則進行評估,在考量整體現場設備的情況下,最佳方案為A8方案(2.5G/3G搭配WLAN/WiMAX),評估方法中則以MEQQD表現較佳。本研究最主要的貢獻在於針對都市交通管理現場設備,可評估出最適合的無線通訊網路方案以及較佳的評估方法,並建議規劃時程決策及整體評估流程。若以此為基礎,則日後可針對不同通訊技術的優點搭配各現場設備的需求,建構一完整的無縫式網路系統。


A new concept “Paradigm Shift” was presented in Thomas S. Kuhn’s ”The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” in 1967. ”Paradigm Shift” means the process of the science is the revolution, not the evolution. The evolution of transportation technology fits this concept likewise. Many developed countries have deployed wireless communication technologies to overcome drawbacks of high costs of wired line construction and transmission for traffic information services. It is anticipated that several wireless communication technologies with high mobility and data rate (WiMAX, WiBro) will be soon available for urban traffic control and management. The main purpose of this study aims at proposing an evaluation process to identify feasible wireless communication network alternatives for urban traffic field devices. First, case studies of wireless communication technologies applying to urban traffic management are reviewed worldwide. Secondly, the criteria of the wireless communication network alternatives are set up with the help of group decision making and gray statistical methods. Thirdly, the weight of compromise is calculated to obtain the weight of evaluation for each alternative. Then, 5 multi-attribute evaluation models (FAHP, FTOPSIS, FSD, MEQQD and FGRAY) are chosen to compare standard conditions with qualitative and quantitative data. Finally, combinations of six types of wireless communication technologies (GPRS, 3G, WiBro, WLAN, WiMAX, Wireless Mesh Network) are made to identify the most appropriate alternative and the most feasible evaluation model of wireless communication networks for urban traffic management field devices. Taipei is chosen as the empirical case study by using a hierarchy framework including four objectives (function, quality, cost and system) and 16 criteria. It is found that weight of cost is highest and weight of system is lowest for each alternative. The 8th alternative (2.5G/3G+WLAN/WiMAX) is found to be a comprehensive wireless communication network for the long-term choice. Considering standard conditions with quality and quantity criteria the most appropriate evaluation method is MEQQD. An evaluation mechanism similar to BCG model is also provided to depict the roadmap of deploying wireless communication networks for urban traffic management devices.


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