  • 學位論文


China's "Peaceful Rise" and Its Impact on Cross-Strait Relations

指導教授 : 蘇起


二○○三年十一月三日,中國改革開放論壇理事長鄭必堅在博鰲亞洲論壇全體大會中正式提出「和平崛起論」,中共自此大力推展「和平崛起」。經過持續推動中國「和平崛起」一段時間後,中共中央卻在二○○四年三月底決定不再炒熱「和平崛起論」,改採「和平發展論」。然而中國「和平崛起」卻帶給台灣乃至於全世界巨大的影響,此即本論文所欲深入探討的地方。 本論文基本上採取「歷史研究途徑」(Historical Approach)及「文化認同研究途徑」(Cultural Identity Approach),將中國的「和平崛起」視為一整體系統進行探討。並假設是將中國的「和平崛起」視為有一與其政策存在相適應的「文化認同」,中國在此一「文化認同」調適下,得以生存發展,繼而對台灣產生深遠的影響。但此文化認同係由其歷史傳承而來,再逐漸形成。 本論文研究中心在胡錦濤時期的「和平崛起」工作。故研究期間自二○○三年十一月博鰲亞洲論壇召開,至二○○六年春季為止。研究架構除第一章緒論外,第二章則從理念的緣起、時空背景,以及「和平崛起」理念的建立與內涵開始探討。以先對「和平崛起」理念作一完整性的深入探討。第三章就針對「和平崛起」工作的實踐,從政治層面的「和平崛起」開始,次及經濟、軍事、外交及文化層面的「和平崛起」,以「和平崛起」工作的實踐,逐一深入分析。第四章就中國「和平崛起」過程中面對的難題,依第三章的研究發現,對中國「和平崛起」他國面臨的困境、政治上的腐敗問題、社會經濟的問題、棘手的社會問題以及西方和平演變的衝擊分別作一探討。第五章則對中國「和平崛起」對台灣產生的影響,針對政治、經濟、軍事、外交及文化層面,分別從影響回溯至「和平崛起」之初的因果關連,進一步探討台灣對中國「和平崛起」的因應之道。第六章則針對中國「和平崛起」對台灣產生的影響中,理想與實踐的落差,提出總結性的探討。


On November 3, 2003, the President of the Forum on the Reform and Open Policy of China, Mr. Zheng Bijian, presented the Theory of Peaceful Rise in the general convention of the Boao Forum for Asia, and the “peaceful rise” concept that China is aggressively implementing. China had been persistently implementing “peaceful rise” for a period of time now, and on March 31, 2004, the Chinese central government decided to change its course from promoting the Theory of Peaceful Rise to propounding the Peaceful Development Theory. Despite that, “peaceful rise” had created inconsiderable impacts on Taiwan and other parts of the world. This paper shall conduct an in-depth study on these impacts. This paper basically employs the Historical Approach and the Cultural Identity Approach on the subject matter and regards China’s “peaceful rise” as a comprehensive system. The study revolves around the hypothesis that China’s “peaceful rise” has a cultural identity that supports its existence and relates it to the other policies of China. Under the umbrella of “cultural identity”, “peaceful rise” was able to flourish and develop, as well as create serious far-reaching impacts on Taiwan. On the other hand, cultural identity is a frame of mind developed gradually from historical legacy handed down for generations. The study mainly focuses on the “peaceful rise” efforts of China in the Hu Jintao Era; hence, research period starts from the Boao Forum for Asia (November 2003) to the spring of 2006. As for research framework, Chapter 1 contains the introduction of the paper. Chapter 2 explores the conceptual background, historical background, as well as the establishment and implications of the “peaceful rise” concept. The chapter presents a complete in-depth analysis of the “peaceful rise” concept. Chapter 3 focuses on the implementation of the “peaceful rise” concept; the chapter mainly starts from the “peaceful rise” of political aspect to the “peaceful rise” of economical, military, diplomatic and cultural aspects. A penetrating analysis is conducted through the implementation of “peaceful rise” program. Chapter 4 delves into the difficulties China faced during the implementation of the “peaceful rise” program, examining each difficulty and aspect pursuant to the research findings of Chapter 3; for instance, the other countries’ dilemmas of the “peaceful rise” concept, the problems of political corruption, social economic problems, troublesome social problems, and the impacts of the peaceful evolution of the West. Chapter 5 looks into the impacts of China’s “peaceful rise” on Taiwan, dissecting its impacts on Taiwan’s politics, economy, military, foreign affairs, and culture. Furthermore, the chapter also traces the root causes of the “peaceful rise” impacts, and thereafter evaluates the measures Taiwan institute against such impacts. Chapter 6 presents a general concluding study on the differences in the theory and practice of China’s “peaceful rise” based on the impacts it had on Taiwan.


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