  • 學位論文

柯林頓政府時期美中臺的戰略關係演變 (1993-2000)

The Change of Strategic Relations among U.S., China& Taiwan during Clinton Adminstration’s Period

指導教授 : 王高成


本論文係採用文獻分析法(Document Analysis Method),即以歷代文獻蒐集為主而加以去蕪存菁,兼以歷史研究法(History Research Method)根據歷史所發生的史實,來加以研究。本論文的研究範圍以1993年柯林頓總統就任至2000年卸任為止,探討美國、中共與臺灣相互之間戰略的關係與變化。涵蓋美國、中共,臺灣三方互動。並以時間為序列,與美中臺相關之事件作分析。包括辜汪會談,李前總統訪問康乃爾大學、95-96年臺海危機、特殊國與國關係、2000年臺灣之政黨輪替等,來研究美中臺的戰略關係及互動變化。全文共分為六章: 第一章 序論:說明本文的研究動機與目的、研究途徑與方法、研究範圍與限制。 第二章 回顧1949-1992年從國民政府遷臺後美中臺三方之互動關係。 第三章 敘述並探討柯林頓政府時期美國與中共之間的政治、軍事及經貿的互動及演變。 第四章 敘述並探討柯林頓政府時期美國與臺灣之間的政治、軍事及經貿的互動及演變。 第五章 敘述並探討柯林頓政府時期臺灣與中共之間兩岸的政治、軍事及經貿的互動及演變。 第六章 結論:敘述從本論文中之研就發現及對未來之展望及對我方應採取之因應對策 本論文研究中認為自柯林頓政府時期發生臺海危機十年來的發展,中共曾被視為區域安全的威脅者,但隨著其睦鄰外交及和平崛起政策的推動,以及經濟的迅速發展,已逐漸成為亞太地區舉足輕重的政經大國,雖然武力持續增加中,但亞太諸國亦不因此視為純然的威脅而拒絕與其交往。面對中共的崛起,柯林頓政府一方面加強軍力的制衡,但另一方面則積極採取交往政策與其交往及合作,期許中國能成為負責任的大國,達成和平演變中國的目的。同時1997年透過柯江高峰會,中共與美國建立「建設性戰略夥伴關係」而大大提升中共的國際地位。此外,兩岸在WTO、APEC的架構下以及在維持現況的情況下,啟動雙邊與多邊的諮商機制,以推動兩岸的經貿發展,進而和平解決兩岸的政治問題,這將是經濟全球化下世界各國對兩岸的期待。


This Article is written by adoption of document analysis method and history research method. The scope of this Article covers the period from President Clinton’s inauguration in 1993 to the year of 2000 and discusses the changes of strategic relations among China, the United Stated and Taiwan including Koo-Wang Meeting, Pre-President Lee-Deng-Hwei’ visit to Connell University, Taiwan-Strait crisis in1995-1996, Relation between special nation and nation, turn-over of Taiwan political party in the year of 2000. This Article is divided into six chapters as follow: Chapter 1: To introduce and describe the purpose, research channel/ method and limitation of writing this Article. Chapter 2: To Look back on the relation among China, the United States and Taiwan since our government moved to Taiwan in the year of1949 to the year of1992. Chapter 3: To describe the change in political, military and trade between the United States and China. Chapter 4: To describe the change in political, military and trade between the United States and Taiwan Chapter 5: To describe the change in political, military and trade between the China and Taiwan. Chapter 6: To describe the finding from this Article and the future prospects and the measures to be taken to deal with Cross-Strait matters in our side in the future. From this Article, the China has been considered as a threat to the territorial security since Taiwan-Strait crisis happened during Clinton’ Administration period. But due to the promotion of the friendly diplomatic strategy and peaceful rise and the rapid growth in economic and trade, China has gradually become an important country in political and economic in Pacific-Asia region. Although the military strength continuously increased, the Pacific-Asia countries do not decline to engage with China. To cope with the rise of China, the Clinton’ Administration increased the military strength in one side and actively adopted the Engagement Strategy to communication and cooperate with China for anticipating China to become a big responsible country to arrive at peaceful change of China. Through the Ker-Chiang summit meeting in1997, China and the United States established the ”Constructive Relationship of Strategic Partner” and drastically increased the international reputation of Red China. In addition, both sides of Taiwan Strait will proceess the two-side or multi-side discussion under the structure of WTO and APEC and maintain the present situation to promote the economic and trade development and to solve the political problem.


丁樹範,〈一九九六年三月以後美國、臺灣與中國關係的發展〉,《中國大陸研究》,第41卷,第12期(民國87年12月), 第82頁。
于有慧,〈中共獨立自主外交政策的持續與轉變〉,《中國大陸研究》,第43卷,第6期(民國89年6月), 第2-8頁。
吳玲君,〈從美國的「三不」分析臺北對華府的外交策略〉,《問題與研究》,第38期,第4卷(民國88年4月), 第3-4頁。
