  • 學位論文


The study of the influence on China-Japan relations by Taiwan Issue

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 郭展禮(Chan-li Kuo)


本論文以歷史研究途徑為進行探討台灣問題對中日兩國關係的影響如何以及其在中日關係中如何演變。儘管中日兩國於1972年建交前後,對中日兩國而言,台灣問題是極為敏感的議題,同時中共一向堅持台灣問題之看法,雖然日本遵循與中共建交時的「一中政策」,但中共一再要求日本承認台灣是中國大陸一部分立場,日本以尊重與理解的模糊政策來對應。但是進入後冷戰時期,因為日本對台灣地位持有這種模糊的態度,當中共目睹台日關係的發展明顯的增長,讓中共懷疑日本對台灣的「台灣情結」尚未消失。   自二次大戰至今以來,日本外交政策仍以美國為主軸,在與美國締結「美日安保條約」之後,一方面日本在和平憲法的限制下,使其安全保障得依靠美國,另一方面,因為1960年修正的「美日安保條約」中第六條,所謂的遠東條款下,日本成為了美國在遠東戰略中的關鍵角色。而後,於1995年與1996年發生的「台海危機」使得日本重新認識在台灣海峽發生的任何衝突有可能影響到日本自身的安全,以此事件為起點,日本逐漸改變對中共一再主張的「台灣問題是中國內政問題」的想法。另外,1997年美日兩國共同發表的「美日防衛合作新指針」中的「周邊事態」範圍是否涵蓋台灣海峽,讓中共懷疑日本不僅在政治上,也可能在軍事上也介入台灣問題。而日本此舉動使得中共在解決台灣問題上,困難度大增。2005年美日二加二聯合聲明中,首次正式提到台灣問題,改變以往所堅持的「周邊事態」模糊政策,明確表明美日同盟對台灣問題的立場。   除此之外,台灣的戰略位置對中日兩國而言,是戰略利益的交集之地,因此中日兩國為了保護該地區的利益而影響到雙方之間的關係。對日本而言,台灣不僅是「日本的生命線」,並與日本的安全政策息息相關。相對的,對中共而言,也是台灣可作為中共戰略發展的樞紐,且與日本一樣,為了順暢進口石油,保持台灣海峽的安全與穩定是影響到經濟穩定發展。   本研究結果發現,影響中日關係的台灣因素可以歸納為以下四點:第一點為台日關係由「半官方」發展為「準官方」;第二點為台灣海峽和平與穩定對中日兩國發展重要;第三點為日本新生代政治家提升台日關係發展;第四點為台灣問題提升不利於亞太安全發展。


This thesis uses history research method to discuss how Taiwan Issue affects China-Japan relations and how it evolves between China and Japan relations. In spite that China and Japan established diplomatic relations around 1972, for these two countries, Taiwan Issue is a very sensitive issue. At the same time, China always insists her opinion on Taiwan Issue. Although Japan follows the “One-China policy” that was described in the time of establishing diplomatic relations with China, China is still demanding that Japan should admit the ground that Taiwan is a part of China. But, Japan replies this issue by the vague policy of showing respect and understanding. However, when entering the post cold-war period, because of Japan’s vague attitude towards Taiwan position and also when China sees the obvious advanced development of Taiwan-Japan relations, it causes China to doubt that the “Taiwan complex” of Japan towards Taiwan hasn’t vanished. From World War II till now, Japan’s diplomatic policies are still principally based on the US, and after Japan concluded “the US-Japan Security Treaty” with the US, in one way, under the restrictions of Japan’s Peace Constitution, Japan’s security has to rely on the US; in another way, because of the sixth article of revised “the US-Japan Security Treaty”, what is called, the Far-Eastern Treaty, Japan became the key role of Far-Eastern strategies for the US. Later, “Taiwan Strait Crisis,” which happened during 1995 and 1996, made Japan awake again that any conflict which happens in Taiwan Strait might affect the security of Japan itself. Take this matter as the starting point, Japan gradually changes the way of thinking that China keeps advocating “Taiwan Issue is China’s internal issue.” Moreover, in 1997 the US and Japan jointly announced the “New Guidelines for US-Japan Defense Cooperation,” and in this announcement, that if the extent of “situations in areas surrounding Japan” is including Taiwan Strait made China doubt that Japan may step in Taiwan Issue not only politically but also militarily. And this act from Japan made it more difficulty for China on solving Taiwan Issue. In 2005, on the declaration of the US-Japan 2 Plus 2 Security Consultative Conference, it was the first time to mention Taiwan Issue formally. They changed the vague policy of situations in areas surrounding Japan, which they insisted before, and clearly stated the US-Japan Alliance’s standpoint to Taiwan Issue.   Besides, For China and Japan, Taiwan’s strategic position is the venue of strategic advantages. Therefore, the relations of China and Japan are affected because these two countries both try hard to protect the advantages of this area. For Japan, Taiwan is not only the “Lifeline of Japan” but also closely related to Japan’s Security Policies. Comparatively, for China, Taiwan can be treated as the center of China’s strategic development. As well as Japan, in order to import petroleum smoothly, to retain the safety and stability of Taiwan Strait is also to affect the stable development of economic.   According to the results of this study, we found that Taiwan factors on influencing China-Japan relations can be generalized into the following four points: Firstly, Taiwan-Japan relations are changed from “Semi-official” to “Quasi-official”; secondly, the peace and stability of Taiwan Strait is important on the development of both China and Japan; thirdly, Japanese new-generation politicians accelerate the development of Taiwan-Japan relations; fourthly, the rise of Taiwan Issue is against the safety development in Asia-Pacific Area.


