  • 學位論文


China Builds Aircraft Carriers:Its Strategic & Security Implications

指導教授 : 黃介正


中國自從鴉片戰爭以來,飽受國外勢力的入侵與壓迫,尤以軍事科技帶來的震撼與破壞最大。近代「航母」與「核武」一直是武力強權國家的象徵。其中,建構航母戰力是各國海權欲從「棕水海軍」(brown-water navy)走向「藍水海軍」(blue-water navy)的關鍵武力;而從中共的觀點,航母代表著一個國家綜合國力強盛的象徵;中共也希望藉由航母戰力的建構,維護廣闊海疆的安全、確保領海主權及海洋利益、提升民族自信心等。 中共近年來挾其經濟發展優勢,大肆擴武,無疑是建立一支與國家發展相襯的軍隊,以利成為區域霸權及全球強權。北京相信其海軍現代化與擴大與國家的崛起有密切關聯,而中共海軍也正試圖扮演國家政策行動者的角色,並期望自己不僅是中國大陸國力迅速增長的貢獻者,亦成為中國大陸經濟的保護者。基此,中共發展航母的戰略安全意涵包括:一是展現大國實力心態以及民族優越自信;二是保護海上石油運輸通道,確保經濟穩定發展;三是悍衛廣大的海洋國土。


China has been suffering foreign invasions and suppression since the Opium War. Foreign military technology in particular has caused widespread shock and damage. As aircraft carrier and nuclear force are the two emblems for modern military might. China is convinced that aircraft carrier is the key for its sea power to transform from a brown-water navy into a blue-water navy. For China, aircraft carrier is an irreplaceable symbol for a country with awesome comprehensive national power; Beijing intends to construct one or a few aircraft carrier battle groups (CVBGs) to safeguard its immense sea border, ensure the integrity of the sovereignty of its territorial waters and maritime interests, and to consolidate its national confidence. In recent years, China uses its economic power to build up armed forces commensurate with its national development so as to facilitate its rise to regional great power with global influence. Beijing is convinced that the modernization and expansion of the PLA Navy (PLAN) is the key for the rise of China. In turn, the PLAN leadership is endeavoring to fulfill its role as a national policy actor: not only as a contributor in sustaining have the quickly increasing national power, but also as a protector of the country’s economy. Consequently, the primary strategic implications of the construction program of aircraft carrier include the following two points: First, the fulfillment of Chinese of nationalism; and Second, safeguarding the sea line of communication for oil transportation to ensure its economic development; and Third, maritime territorial security can be well protected.


