  • 學位論文


The study on strategies of innovative services in life insurance industry

指導教授 : 繆震宇 田峻吉


台灣壽險業經50多年來的歷練,從保守到開放,從單一到多元的行銷通路,已然成為一個成熟但並非謂飽和的市場。在市場競爭且產品差異化不大的產業環境中,業者若能提供具競爭性的差異優質客戶服務及培育具專業能力的合作服務團隊,則必能固守住其現有的客群,提昇其滿意度及再購忠誠度,並進而開發可能的潛在客戶市場;如此才能在競爭的紅海市場中走出一條康莊大道。   本文研究國內市場近況,探討個案公司體制,提供「一畝田區域開拓」概念,結合以創新差異作法,超越客戶期待的服務,期能再創該公司過去輝煌的歷史,並供業界參考研究,提昇經營績效。


In the past fifty years, Taiwan life insurance industry has changed from conservative to open and from single to multiple marketing channels. Now, Taiwan life insurance market has been a mature market, but still not a saturated market. In this highly competitive environment without a significant product difference, if life insurers can provide high quality customer service and professional team to their customers, life insurers can maintain their original customers satisfaction and loyalty, then further develop potential customers. In this study, we select one sample life insurance company to analyze how they improve the traditional sales channel. This target life insurance company provides a new marketing strategy, "I-MU regional develop marketing" (marketing based on zip-code district), to combine with innovation and diversity practices. This new marketing strategy may enhance the business performance, beyond the expectations of its customers and create a brilliant era for this target life insurance company.


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