  • 學位論文

團隊多元化對團隊效能之影響 – 以文化智商及種族中心主義為調節變項

The Effect of Team Diversity on Team Effectiveness - Using Cultural Intelligence and Ethnocentrism as Moderators

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 陳基祥(Chi-Hsiang Chen)


團隊多元化已成為各國職場上難以避免的趨勢,過往許多研究在探討團隊多元化對團隊帶來正面還是負面影響,如Hambrick(1996)認為團隊成員擁有不同的經歷、知識、技術、專業背景,對於團隊績效如創造力與問題解決能力等均帶來正面影響;而林詩穎(2005)發現團隊多元化反而增加衝突發生的可能因而降低團隊績效。此外Stefan and Marise(2005)研究結果證實領導者的種族中心主義會影響員工士氣而降低團隊績效,而Moon(2013)指出高文化智商增加了員工分享知識的意願,從而提高了團隊績效。因此本研究針對員工在多元化團隊中的工作表現進行研究,並進一步探討員工的文化智商及種族中心主義是否對於團隊多元化在團隊效能的影響上有調節作用。 本研究以各行各業的員工為研究對象,根據226份有效問卷,以項目分析、信度分析、探索性因素分析、迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析、t檢定及變異數分析來驗證各研究假設、研究結果顯示如下: 1.團隊多元化對團隊效能有顯著負向影響。 2.員工文化智商在團隊多元化對團隊效能之影響上無顯著調節作用。 3.員工種族中心主義在團隊多元化對團隊效能之影響上無顯著調節作 4.員工的部分人口統計變項在各變項有顯著影響。 有鑑於本研究結果顯示在台灣職場中團隊多元化並不會對團隊效能有所幫助反而造成負向影響,因此本研究建議企業應衡量內部員工是否具備足夠的文化智商及與外籍員工合作的能力再決定雇用外籍員工的數量,以免投入的資源不但無法幫助企業獲取利益,反而造成員工之間的不和諧而降低團隊效能。


The team diversity has become the inevitable trend of the workplace every country. There are a lot of research to discuss whether it is the positive or negative influence of the team diversity on the team, for example, Hambrick (1996) argued that the team members have different experiences, knowledge, technology and professional background, which have a positive influence on the team performance, such as the creativity and the ability to solve the problems; Lin Shiying (2005) found that team diversity increased the possibility of conflict and therefore reduced the team performance. In addition, the results of Stefan and Marise (2005) confirmed that the ethnocentrism of the leaders would affect the employees’ morale and reduce the team performance, and Moon (2013) pointed out that the high Cultural Intelligence increased the employees’ willingness to share the knowledge and improved the team performance. Therefore this research focuses on and studies the employees’ performance in the diverse team, and further investigates whether the Culture Intelligence and ethnocentrism of the staff have the regulating effect to the team diversity on the impact of team performance. A total of 226 samples who are the staff from all works of life as the research object, and verifies the hypothesis from the item analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, t test and ANOVA. The results are showed as follows: 1.There is a significant negative influence on team effectiveness by team diversity. 2. There is no significant mediating effect of culture intelligence on the influence coming from team diversity on team effectiveness. 3. There is no significant mediating effect of ethnocentrism on the influence coming from team diversity on team effectiveness. 4. There are significant differences on research variables by some demographic variables. In view of this study shows the workplace in Taiwan, the team diversity will not be helpful to the team effectiveness but the negative effects, so this study suggests that the enterprises should measure whether the employees have enough cultural intelligence and the ability to work with the foreign employees and then decide the numbers of foreign worker they are going to hire, for fear that the input of resources is not only unable to help the enterprises to gain the benefits, on the contrary it will cause the disharmony among the staff and reduce the effectiveness of the team.


林詩穎(2005)。團隊多元性及衝突 對團隊績效的影響。中央大學資
