  • 學位論文


Study of the Translation of Cultural Elements and Paratexts in the Stories of the Sahara of San Mao

指導教授 : 戴毓芬


三毛第一部膾炙人口的作品《撒哈拉的故事》,在兩岸三地早已聲名遠播,相隔四十年後,終於在2016年被翻譯成西班牙文。這位在兩岸三地聲名遠播的作家在《撒哈拉的故事》出版於西班牙後,讓越來越多西班牙人看見了三毛,三毛的魅力又再次回到西班牙。我們不禁好奇,為什麼三毛的作品有如此廣大的魅力,延燒了三十年仍屹立不搖呢?《撒哈拉的故事》中有許多中國文化的色彩之類的文化元素等,譯者使用何種翻譯策略? 目前西班牙針對譯本的分析甚少,主要是三毛的作品在2016年才首度被翻譯成西班牙文。因此本論文研究目的是透過過去文獻之探討,理解三毛的文學作品與台灣社會之關聯與影響,再者,透過理論背景,分析西班牙文譯者針對文化元素上,主要採用何種翻譯策略來詮釋文化詞彙。 最後,筆者發現相較於皇冠出版社以及北京十月文藝出版社的副文本內容,西班牙出版社Rata在譯本中加入了許多資訊,如三毛手繪的地圖以及過去住在沙漠中的房屋平面圖、三毛與荷西的照片、三毛筆跡及頁尾建議讀者來台可走訪三毛過去喜愛書店等內容,雖與原文版本編印有些許不同,但其副文本對譯入語讀者卻扮演重要角色,增加其對三毛的認識。因此本文將探討譯本所加入之上述副文本內容、功能與目的。


San Mao is not only a writer, we really consider her as a special human being who lives in the hearts of all those who know her life and read her work. Why does this author play such an important role from the 1970s to today? There are many factors that explain it. In the first part, we will analyze the causes of her success and her impact and we will also talk about the Rata publishing house. The publication of the first translation of the most famous work of San Mao, the Stories of the Sahara, which was written in Chinese and later translated into Spanish in 2016, has made its voice come to Spain. After the publication of her book in Spanish, how has the Spanish society reacted? The book the Stories of the Sahara contains many cultural elements. San Mao uses abundant dialogues with many sayings and Chinese phrases. However, the phrases are so colloquial and idiomatic in Chinese, how can they be translated into Spanish? When words contain elements of Chinese culture, what technique does the translator use? Clearly, the popularity of her first book in Spain shows that the translator has done a good job, at least to make an impact. Therefore, in this paper we study the techniques of translation, especially those words and Chinese phrases difficult to translate. Finally, we talk about the function of the paratexts of the Stories of the Sahara in 2016 and make the conclusion.


Bibliografía general
Las obras de San Mao realizadas:
