  • 學位論文


Retranslation of Literary Works from the Perspectives of Reception Theory and Relevance Theory: A Case of One Hundred Years of Solitude

指導教授 : 戴毓芬


單德興曾在其著作《翻譯與脈絡》中提到:「在涉及異語言與異文化的文本時,沒有翻譯與重譯就無經典可言」(2009:45),由此可以一窺重譯的重量。文學是人類文化的重要寶藏,它的價值遠遠超越時空限制,帶來的影響迴盪在世上數百年,文學作品透過人類對其永無止盡的探討,在每一個時代產生了新的價值,文學作品的重譯就是其中一例。藉由一次次的重譯,跨越時間的限制,感動不同時代的目的語讀者們。因為語言具有時代的特徵,文學作品必須透過不斷的詮釋和重譯,以符合時代性,並由此延續其生命價值。 本論文主要以接受理論(Reception theory)以及關聯理論(Relevance Theory),探討經典文學重譯的必要性,並對其合理性深入討論。將以拉丁美洲魔幻寫實主義大師賈西亞.馬奎斯(Gabriel García Márquez)的經典作品《百年孤寂》(Cien años de soledad)中譯本為例,以1982年出版的宋碧雲譯本、2018年出版的葉淑吟版本以及2011年范曄譯本分析,用接受理論及關聯理論的視角,端視三個譯本的譯文處理方式,找出重譯本的優勢及其更動之處,並發現每個時代都應有其各自的經典文學譯本的價值意義


Literature is a great treasure for human cultures, the value of literature is far beyond time and space. The ceaseless explorations of literature create new values in each generation. Retranslation of literary works is one of the explorations, it moves and inspires readers regardless of time and place. Languages present features of different periods, literary contexts require constant explanation and retranslation in order to be in tunes with times and to continue their values. This research explores and discusses the importance and rationality of retranslating classic literatures with Reception theory and Relevance theory. The research lists the Chinese translations of One Hundred Years of Solitude, classic piece from the icon of magical realism, Gabriel García Márquez, as demonstrations. According to the translation of Song Bi-yun, published in 1982, the version of Ye Shu-yin, published in 2018, and the translation of Fan Ye in 2011. Analyze the methods and approaches used in each translation, observe their advantage and disadvantages, from the Perspectives of Reception Theory and Relevance Theory and discover the significance of every generation having their classic translated works


García Márquez, Gabriel, Cien años de soledad, Real Academia Española, 2007
García Márquez, Gabriel, Cien años de soledad, translated by Gregory Rabassa, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Avon Books, 1971
García Márquez, Gabriel, Cien años de soledad, 宋碧雲譯,《一百年的孤寂》,台北,遠景出版社,2002
