  • 學位論文


A Study on the Purchase Intention of On-line Digital Music : from the Perspective of Technology Innovation

指導教授 : 王居卿


根據IFPI Digital Music Report (2005)顯示,全球的數位音樂銷售一直呈現顯著成長,2004年單曲下載比2003年高出十倍,並且在四大數位市場 (美、英、法、德) 的銷售已超過2億首,而此趨勢在2005年仍持續著。數位音樂銷售在美國的前兩個月已經比2003年同期高出二倍;然而,全球唱片市場的狀況卻各有不同,因為線上及實體盜版仍持續侵蝕主要市場的銷售,尤其是在歐陸和亞洲部份地區。面對如此興盛的數位音樂市場,台灣地區消費者是否可以接受數位音樂而在網站上購買及下載?此乃是值得去加以探討的問題。 本研究延伸TAM ,歸納「認知創新特質」及「社會影響」為線上數位音樂付費接受度之重要影響因子。並根據Moore的「跨越鴻溝」概念,區分使用者為「實際消費者」及「潛在消費者」,去探討兩者對「線上數位音樂付費」行為模式之差異。本研究針對國內三個知名入口網站:Yahoo 奇摩、蕃薯藤、 及Pchome進行抽樣,透過網路收集問卷,有效樣本為409份,再利用路徑分析得到以下結果: 1、「實際消費者」與「潛在消費者」在「易用性」、「有用性」、「相容性」、「關鍵小眾」、「態度」與「意願」上各變數之知覺均有顯著差異。 2、「實際消費者」與「潛在消費者」採用或使用線上數位音樂付費之影響因素有所差異。 (1)對「態度」的直接影響、「意願」的間接影響上,「實際消費者」相對重視「有用性」,「潛在消費者」相對重視「相容性」。 (2)「實際消費者」、「潛在消費者」其「易用性」皆對「有用性」、「態度」有正面顯著的影響。 (3)「關鍵小眾」在「實際消費者」、「潛在消費者」對「意願」都有明顯正面的影響,但對「態度」而言,「關鍵小眾」對「潛在消費者」有顯著正面的影響,但在「實際消費者」卻無顯著影響。


According to the IFPI Digital Music Report in 2005, Digital sales rose exponentially, with the total number of tracks downloaded in 2004 (including album tracks) up more than tenfold on 2003, to over 200 million in the four major digital music markets (US, UK, France, Germany). The trend has being continued in 2005, with digital sales in the US in the first two months more than double that of the same period in 2004. However, the picture globally is very mixed, with online and physical piracy continuing to depress sales in major markets, particularly in Continental Europe and parts of Asia. Can Customers in Taiwan accept on-line digital music? This study extends the TAM and the key factors - perceived attributes of innvoations and social influence - into the model. This study also divides the digital music users into “actual users” and “potential adopters” based on the concept of “Cross the Chasm” which mentioned by Moore(1999),and then explores both difference in behavioral model. There are 409 available samples userd which respond the questionnairs in yahoo/kimo,yam and Pchome web. The path analysis is used to analyze the data, and some important findings as followings: 1. The variables: “perceived ease of use”, “perceived usefulness”, “compatibility”, “meaningful less”, “attitude” and “intention” have significant difference for both actual users and potential adoptors. 2. There are also significant difference for the factors influencing the adoption of on-line digital music in both actual users and potential adoptors: (1) For actual users, “Perceived Usefulness” has more direct influence on “Attitude” and more indirect influence on “Intention”. For potential adopters, “Compatibility” has more direct influence on “Attitude” and more indirect influence on “Intention”. (2) For actual users and potential adopters, “Perceived Ease of Use” has positive influence on “Attitude” and “Perceived Usefulness”. (3) For actual users and potential adopters, “Meaningful Less” has positive influence on “Intention”.For potential adopters “Meaningful Less” has positive influence on “Attitude”,but for actual users no direct influence on “Attitude”.


digital music TAM Innovation Diffusion path analysis


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