  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Personal Investment Behavior Based on Living Types of Single and Pre- Mature Female

指導教授 : 蔡政言


隨著全球女性經濟獨立及自我意識高漲,單身與離婚的比例不斷提高,單身女性不再以結婚當成人生必經之路,近年來單身議題不斷的再延燒中,因此本研究內容便關注探討生活模式對單身輕熟齡女性理財行為影響之分析,選擇在大台北都會區的輕熟齡女性作為分析。國內針對未婚女性議題的研究十分豐富,其中大多是針對30歲以上未婚女性的研究,因此本研究也是針對此一族群作為研究對象,佐以已婚及已婚單身的女性做比較。 發出問卷452份,有效回收451份,有效樣本回收率為99.78%。研究結果發現,在生活型態方面,單身輕熟齡女性在對於時尚及追求刺激和喜歡團體生活有較高的偏好與非單身女性不同。而在人口統計變數上單身輕熟齡並無差異顯示婚姻狀況為影響的重要變數。單身輕熟齡及非單身輕熟齡在理財行為中各市場區隔中只有對理財目標有所差異,單身輕熟齡女性在信仰休閒集群針對未來退休生活較注重而其他集群則可能由於生活型態及階段性目標不同而有不同的目標;非單身輕熟齡則因為樸實謹慎集群的人對生活態度較嚴謹而對於對個人風險的預防上較注重而有不同。 綜合本研究分析結論,單身輕熟齡女性因為環境及個性會有不同的生活型態出現,而由於大眾媒體給大眾單身女性的印象大多屬於享樂與高收入勤於工作,但實則不然,單身輕熟齡女性的生活可能不如已婚輕熟齡女性來的多彩多姿也不一定更投入於工作。而單身輕熟齡女性的理財觀可能由於國內教育水平提高且獲得資訊的管道普遍加上政府對投資管道的嚴格控管必須對於民眾投資風險的告知而使得在一般對金融商品及認知中並無較大的差異。並不會因為生活型。


As more women seeking emotionally and economically independent, women no longer see marriage as the most important thing in life. Therefore, single and divorced female population is getting larger in our society and related discussions has been one of the hottest ones ever since. The research focuses on the impact of the changing lifestyles on the single、pre-mature female and draws samples from the greater Taipei area. Similar to most of the existing researches focusing on the single women over 30 years old, our research focuses on the same age group and covers both married and single female for additional comparison. This research focuses on women whose ages are between 30 and 45. We issued 452 questionnaires, and retrieved 451 valid ones. Valid rate is 99.87%. The research shows, for the life type dimension, single and pre-mature female prefer excitement, fashion and staying within groups. For the population variant dimension, there doesn’t appear to show obvious difference no matter their marriage status. On the other hand, there are obvious differences between single and married female population as to the financial goals, retirement plans and religious preferences. In addition, single female are tend to be more risk-averse for most of them show a prudent personality. In conclusion, single and pre-mature female have different life types due to the environment and personality. Even though this population has the impression of higher incomes, and working harder and playing harder, the research shows the opposite. Single female don’t work harder nor have more colorful life. Finally, because of the easy access to investment information distributed through education and government, their knowledge for financial products do not appear to be higher simply based on the different lifestyles.


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